Chapter 73

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Hero and I snap out of our trance. My face is hot and red from embarrassment and Hero is mumbling an apology to Sam. Sam doesn't notice or chooses not to notice the sudden tension in the room and we continue. We play some more scenes and it was so easy to play Catherine and be in love with Hero. Even Sam teased that I could always play Catherine if we didn't find an actress. We both ignored his comment, obviously. After two hours of rehearsing we say goodbye to Sam and walk to our flat. I'm exhausted.

"That was intense," Hero breaks the silence.

"Yes it was! I had no idea acting was so hard!" I start laughing. "I really like seeing the transformation you go through when you get in to character!" He gives me a shy sideways smile and starts talking about the upcoming auditions. I had forgotten about how easy it is to talk to Hero. All the way to the dorms we talk about the project and we almost knock Stefan over.

"Hey guys! I was thinking we could do a pizza-movie night, are you in?" His face is radiant with excitement.

"Yeah sure!" I say before I can stop myself. I hope Hero can't make it.

"I'm in too mate," Hero smiles. Damn it.

"Good, I'm inviting a girl too," Stefan says with flushed cheeks. Hero starts teasing him all the way up to our flat.

"Okay boys, let's meet in the kitchen around seven?" I say when I open the door to my room. Stefan agrees and says he will text everyone. Hero gives him a high five and starts walking towards my room before he realizes it would be awkward to be alone in there.

"Uhmm, see you at seven, Char," he says before exiting our flat. I mumble a goodbye and Stefan gives me an odd look. I enter my room before he can say anything about it. I wish I could take a nap before the film but I have so much work to do. It might actually be good, it takes my mind off Hero.

I change in to a legging and a football shirt before going to our movie night. The kitchen is full when I enter. Stefan has brought a girl and so has Scott. Lizzie and Jack are there, Killian, Hero and Joe.

"Oh my god Joe!" I scream. "I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been?" I feel a bit guilty. I haven't talked to Joe much because we always hang out in our flat and not in Hero's. I suppose Joe has his own friends. I never actually asked. It's a good thing that Joe is very chill and laid back. He doesn't mind. I talk to him a bit to keep myself from looking at Hero. He's wearing a tight, white shirt and black pajama pants. The pants is hanging around his hips loosely and he looks so sexy with it. Lizzie pours wine for everyone while we argue about pizza.

"Charlotte hates pineapple so we can't have Hawaii," Hero says. Lizzie gives him a surprised look and I thank him. I really do hate pineapple and it doesn't belong on pizza! We finally agree on toppings and order the pizzas. The next problem is the film.

"Can we please watch something funny?" Scott begs. I know he hates that we're mostly all film students and sometimes watch really old films. He usually wants to watch something main stream. I'm in the mood for that. I'm so tired that I don't want to think anymore.

"The Interview is bound to be the funniest film ever," I say and Stefan agrees.

"Ugh, I hate James Franco," Killian groans. "I want to watch American Pie!"

"I love James Franco. I want to marry James Franco," I say and everyone starts laughing.

"Seth Rogen and James Franco make a really funny pair," Jack says and that settles it. We're watching The Interview first and American Pie after that. Scott and his date claim the sofa and Joe takes the chair. The rest of us are banned to the floor. It brings back the memory of the first movie night we had with Hero and I quickly take a spot because I don't want to be seated next to him again. Obviously I have the worst friends in the world and they change seats so much that Hero eventually ends up next to me.

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