Chapter 19

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Hero and I meet again on Wednesday in the common room. I'm playing a game of pool with Killian when he walks in with some friends. They decide to watch as we finish our game. About fifteen minutes later I beat Killian.

"You guys want to play a game with us?" One of Hero's friends asks.

"I won't but thanks though," I smile at the boy. "I want to watch some Big Bang Theory in my room." I focus myself on his friend and try not to look at him.

"Sweet! I'm joining you!" Killian says happily. I can't help but look at Hero now and he looks like he's ready to kill someone. Without another word, I leave.

The next time I see him is at a flat party on Friday. It's in their flat but Lizzie and Killian convinced me to come. I'm wearing the only short dress I own. It's a simple black one, fitting tight around my body. It has two triangles cut out on my sides so you can see some of my skin. We're not going to a club after so I decide on my red high heels. When Lizzie and I walk in we go straight to Jack and Killian.

"Here have a drink girls." Killian hands us a red drink. Red vodka and some Redbull. I can't really relax because I know Hero is on the sofa with his friends, a girl on both sides and Megan on his lap. I must admit, she looks good. She's tall and blonde and skinny. She's wearing a red short dress. Damn, why did I look? Hero's eyes meet mine and there's a grin on his face again as if he's daring me. I want to slap him but I concentrate on Killian instead. He's become a good friend and he's really good looking too. He might be the kind of distraction I need this year.

"Hey, want to go get some air?" Killian yells in my ear.

"Yeah! Sure!" I yell back in his. The music is way too loud.

"Your hair smells good!" He yells back and I smile. He takes my hand to lead me outside.

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