Chapter 26

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It seems that Hero only told Scott that he would be leaving. The others are just as surprised as I am. Weeks pass by and there's no sign of him. I just assumed he would text me or something but he never does. He doesn't post anything on social media either. At first I was so angry and disappointed that he just left like that. But after some weeks have passed I know it's for the best. I wouldn't say that I completely forgot about him but I stop thinking about him all the time. It's not like I was falling in love anyway.

It's the second week of December and I'm so excited to go home for Christmas. I'm returning on the 30th with my brother to spend New Year's Eve here.

Being home is great. I've really missed my family, friends and hometown. Tonight I'm out for drinks with my best friends.

"Tell me! I wanna know how Hero Fiennes-Tiffin is!" Jolene squeals.

"Yea me too! He looks yummy," Mari says. Matthy just rolls his eyes.

"He's... Fine I guess. We've been to a few parties together."

"I can tell there's something you're not telling me." Jolene knows me too well.

"He's in my film producing class and we had an assignment together so I guess we've become friends."

"Nope. Still not good enough!" Mari demands. I sigh and decide to tell them everything that has happened.

"And now he's just gone. I'm not sure when and if he'll come back to school." Mari and Jolene stare at me.

"He sounds like trouble," Matthy sighs. I agree. The rest of the nights the girls grill me about Hero and what's it like to kiss him. It's such a great night until he walks in. He's one of Matthy's best friends so obviously he stops by our table to say hello.

"Hey Char... didn't know you were in town." He seems uncomfortable. We haven't talked since August.

"Well I do live here," I say with an attitude. It's so hard to see him after everything that happened between us.

"So... how's Wales and USW?"

"Dude, you should hear what her life over there is like! It's like a movie! I'm so jealous!" Mari says.

"Well, partying and flirting with movie stars would do that to you," Jolene laughs. I shot a glare at her. He doesn't need to know.

"Oh yeah? What movie stars?"

"It's nothing. There's just an actor living in my dorm and we've become friends."

"I wish he were my friend." Mari sighs. I can tell he's not happy about this and after a quick goodbye to Matthy he leaves our table.

I enjoyed my time home but I wish I hadn't seen him. I'm happy to be on my way to my room. It'll be great to have my brother here. I won't admit it but I'm also really curious to see if Hero is back. He is not.

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