Chapter 46

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(Thanks to all of you we are number 2 on #herofiennestiffin!! You made this happen and I'm so grateful! <3 V.)

The next morning I wake up with something heavy on my stomach. It takes a while before I realise where I am. I open my eyes, smiling. Hero's head is on my stomach and his arms are wrapped around me.

"Good morning beautiful," he says without opening his eyes.

"How did you know I was awake?!"

"I could hear your heartbeat changing. And your breathing."

"Umm okaay.."

"I love hearing your heartbeat. It calms me."

"You weirdo!" I laugh while ruffling through his hair. He opens his eyes and turns around a bit to look at me.

"I wish we could stay here," he says with a thick accent. I'll probably never get used to that.

"Me too." Unfortunately, my stomach decides to ruin this perfect moment.

"Woa, someone's hungry," Hero says with a grin. We both start laughing. Hero gets up and stretches. I immediately feel a tingly feeling inside. I can see his muscles flex and it looks yummy.

"Ugh. It's so unfair how hot you are. How is a girl supposed to concentrate when you're around?" I pout. I can see the blush on his cheeks. He's actually shy now. "What? You must be used to compliments!"

"I am. I mean you never really get used to it but you learn to handle it. It's just.. I never thought I would hear them from you."

I sit up straight and look at him.

"Ohh believe me. My girlfriends and I talked about you. A lot. If this is making you shy you better not hear what we used to say." This puts my favorite boyish grin on his face.

"Really? You liked me huh?"

"Yeah, I liked you a lot! Before we had to live together I mean."

"That's so mean!" He throws a pillow at me. I take another one and slap him. It turns into this huge pillow fight. We run around the room like two children.

"Okay okay, I surrender!" He yells while I'm slapping him with two pillows at once.

"Okay. Good."

"Damn woman. You have no mercy!"

"Just wanted to let you know who the boss is." I can see him take another pillow and I run away, back to my flat. When Hero catches up with me, I'm already making coffee.

"I can get used to this," he says while wrapping his arms around me. "You look so sexy wearing my shirt with your hair all messy." He places a kiss on my head. I wrap my arms around him too and we just stand there for a while.

"Goooood morning," Lizzie says with a broad smile when she enters. "I love that you two are dating. Now I get to see Hero walking around in boxers all the time." We both start giggling.

"I ummm might go get some pants on." Hero sounds uncomfortable.

"That boy is adorable when he's shy!" Lizzie says and we burst out in laughter again.

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