Chapter 70

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I can't believe we're back at this, making each other jealous. I know I'm not acting very grown up but I can't help it. He started it. On my way to the sofa several boys greet me. I cross the room slowly and make a point out of greeting every single one back.

"You took your time," Mark, one of Scott's friends, says. "I was so jealous!" He puts his hand on his heart and pulls a hurt face.

"Oh, you shouldn't be," I smile back. "Told you I was coming back for you!" I sit down next to Killian but I sit closer this time. I give him a broad smile when our knees touch and I put my hand on his. I know Hero's eyes never left me and I purposely don't look at him. The blonde is begging for his attention and I make the mistake of looking at them. Hero smiles at her and whispers something in her ear. She starts blushing instantly. Damn it.

"Okay, this blows. Let's play a drinking game," Megan suggests. "Ring of fire?"

"Sweet! I'll set it up!" Scott says. He walks to his room to get the cards. This is not good.

"We should spice it up a bit though," Mark says with a naughty smile. "When someone draws a nine, we get to give them a dare."

"Nice!" One of the other boys give him a high five. Scott places the cards in a circle and the blonde sits down on Hero's lap. I was so sure he would push her away but he doesn't. The first few rounds no one draws a nine and we all have to drink a lot of shots. The familiar feeling of alcohol kicks in and numbs me. Alcohol also makes me a lot braver. I look at Hero and can tell he's getting drunk too. His eyes are a bit red and his hands are all over the blonde. I put my head on Killian's shoulder to comfort myself and he places a kiss on my head. Hero looks at us and I can see his eyes blazing. He turns to the blonde and presses his lips against hers. She's surprised at first but soon her hands are in his hair and it turns into an actual kiss. Her friend's face drops, she looks about as jealous as I am right now.

"Come on, Hero, your turn!" Scott says. Hero draws a nine.

"Ooooh interesting," Mark says.

"I know a good one! Remember the night you and Charlotte danced? You have to dance again." Wait, what? Fucking bitch!

"That's not fun," Mark pouts. Megan whispers something in his ear and his face lights up. "Yeah Hero, dance with Charlotte!" He moves to the laptop and picks a song. I look at Hero. Surely he will say no.

"What's the matter Charlotte?" he says. "Are you afraid?" He stands up. Hell, no! I stand up too and walk over to the dancefloor.

"You don't have to look so pissed," he whispers in my ear when he puts his hands on my hips. "You know I can still make you feel good too." I stare into his eyes and make sure he can't see any vulnerability. Asshole. He pulls me against him and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Or is it his? The blood is racing through my veins as the music starts playing and we start dancing. He is right, he can make me feel good. Even if all we do is dance. When we dance I forget about everything. I let myself go and put all my emotions into it. Megan knows she's hurting me with this but I won't give her the pleasure of seeing me break. With one last turn, my chest is against Hero's again.

"You're right, Hero," I whisper in his ear while my finger slides across his jaw. "You can make me feel good. But I can make you feel good too." I let my lips linger close to his for a second and then I walk away. I try to control my breathing.

"That was hot!" Mark announces. "Save me a dance later, will you?" Hero takes his spot on the sofa and pulls the blonde on top of him. It's my turn to pick a card and it's a nine.

"Charlotte should kiss Scott," Mark says. Scott gives me a wink and I smile at him. I stand up and straddle him. Then I press my lips against his and I follow his lead when his tongue finds mine.

"Okay okay, enough you two!" Mark says and gives us a gentle push. I start laughing and take my place next to Killian again. I can't read Hero's expression. He stares at me but I'm not sure what he's thinking.

We played some more rounds before we decided we wanted to dance. I'm dancing with one of the boys I saw earlier.

"Damn girl, you can move!" He says in my ear while putting his hands on my lower back. I put my finger on his lips.

"Shh." I just want to dance and forget about everything. Especially the fact that Hero is still on the sofa and the blonde is still in top of him.

"Can I get your number?" the boy asks when we walk to the sofa again.

"Yeah sure," I say and I hear a hissing sound. I look around and see that Hero appears to be the one that made it. I take the boy's phone and put my number in it. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks back to his friends. When I sit down, I look at Hero. He looks right into my eyes before kissing the blonde again. Okay, that's it, I've had enough of this. I stand up without a word to anyone and I run back to my room. I need to get used to him kissing other girls. He's not mine anymore. There's a knock on my door and I see something terrifying when I open it. Naked Mark is in front of my door.

"I thought we could have a little afterparty," he says with a smile. I'm shocked and I don't respond immediately. What the fuck? Is someone pranking me? He can't be serious.

"You need to go Mark!" I want to slam the door in his face when I hear yelling.

"Oh my god! You're acting like such a slut tonight!" Hero comes walking out of the kitchen and sees naked Mark in front of me. He storms out of our flat and I follow him.

"Seriously? You're yelling at me?" I'm as furious as he is.

"You can't kiss me, ignore me and then kiss other boys in front of me!"

"I kissed Scott, as a dare. You kissed that blonde girl just to mess with my head."

"You were so cuddly with Killian and so flirty with every other boy in that kitchen! You even gave one your number and then another one is naked in front of your room!"

"Nothing happened! I was in my room to get away from you!"

"And now I'm getting away from you," Hero says while entering the elevator.

"Don't go," I say when the doors start closing. Hero gives me one last sad look but the doors don't open again.

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