Chapter 39

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My eyes are swollen the next day. I'm dreading going to class but we're visiting Joseph's film set so I have to go. When Hero walks in he doesn't even look at me and he ignores me all the way to the Bay.

"Charlotte! So nice to see you again!" Joseph greets me and gives me a hug. The others are a bit intimidated by our warm greeting. "Are you okay?" I can hear the concern in his voice.

"I'm fine," I manage to smile. "Just didn't get much sleep tonight." The second I say it I know it sounds wrong. I can hear Hero's sharp intake of breath. Great.

"You don't look okay," Ana says while walking next to me.

"I'm fine. We just had some trouble in the flat last night."

"With Hero?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Well you guys ignore each other big time. He won't even look at you and he looks as bad as you." I take a closer look a Hero and I realize she's right. He was up all night with Scott though so that's probably why. I tell Ana what happened with Scott to distract her.

After the tour on set we meet the crew in a lounge where they have a break. I try to find my way back to it because I had to go to the bathroom. I know I'm close because I've reached Joseph's dressing room. I hear voices.

"What's up with you today?" Joseph asks.


"Is it about your pretty little friend?"

"No. Just leave me alone."

"Look, Hero, you can't afford to get distracted know. I know she's pretty and she's smart but you have other things to focus on."

"You don't even know her."

"See, I knew this is about her. What happened?"

"She doesn't even want me so she won't be a distraction. Don't worry."

"You look like shit so of course I worry!" Joseph says as Hero leaves his room. I back away a bit because I don't want them to see me. He's so frustrating. He's the one that came out of Megan's room and somehow I'm the bad guy here. Joseph keeps a close eye on me when I return to the others. I'm so embarrassed that he knows. It's hard to focus on my conversation with the director when I know Joseph is watching us. I decide to walk back to the dorms instead of taking public transport with the others. I can use the time to clear my head and I can't stand to be around him anymore. I know I should talk to him but I'm not the one who did something wrong. He should come to see me.

I need something to distract me so I pour a glass of wine and decide to cook a meal. I love cooking and I need to focus on the food so I won't be able to worry about Hero.

"Mmm something smells good," Lizzie says as she walks in to the kitchen. She takes a chair and watches as I finish the meal.

"Do you want to go to the movies tonight? Jack and I wanted to see the new Anthony Hopkins film."

"Yeah sure, I've been wanting to see that one too!"

The door opens and Hero, Jack and Scott walk in.

"Boys, do you want to join us to the movies tonight?" Lizzie asks them.

"Not some chick flick please," Scott whines.

"We were thinking the Anthony Hopkins one."

"Sweet! I'm in!" Scott says. I'm pretty sure that Hero will decline.

"Me too." He says and I'm surprised. He ignored me all day and now he wants to join us? I know there's no way I can stay at home.

"I'll call Killian and ask him if he wants to come too." I know it's low but I want to bother him. I look at him when I say it and for the first time today he looks me in the eyes. It's a piercing look as if he's staring right into my soul. The look in his eyes make me regret what I just did. There's a sadness in them. The anger is gone completely.

"Can I have some food?" Scott begs and the moment is gone. Hero looks away.

"Sure, there's plenty." They all have some of my food. I'm terrible at cooking small portions so there's enough anyway. We agree to meet here in an hour and I rush to my room. I need to calm down. This is such a bad idea.

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