Chapter 48

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The next day we're both free and we decide to have a picnic in Bute Park. I had a little trouble convincing Hero at first but he finally caved. It's a nice and sunny day and there's a hint of spring in the air. We got champagne, chocolate and sandwiches. My back is against a tree and Hero's head is on my lap. I'm stroking his hair. We have a nice view on the river Taff and the boats floating there. We've been talking about growing up and our lives have been so different so far. First of all there's a huge difference between Belgium and England. Second, his family is very different from mine. I ask him all about his time on the Harry Potter set, something I was scared to do when we did our marathon.

"I was wondering why no one commented on that," he smirks.

"I was scared. We weren't exactly the best of friends back then!"

"As I recall, we were pretty cosy that night."

I laugh out loud. "True! I didn't want the night to end."

"Me neither."

"I could get used to this," Hero sighs after a moment of silence.

"I know! It's such a perfect day!"

"Because I'm the perfect boyfriend," Hero says with a cocky smile. I give him a push and we both laugh. I wonder why I ever doubted him.

"I need some more chocolate!" I say while looking through the bag. At that moment, my phone makes a sound alerting me I have a message. It can wait though. When I'm with Hero I don't have the need to check my phone 24/7. Suddenly, Hero jumps up and his face is twisted in anger.

"Who the fuck is Tommy? And why does he say that he misses you?"

"What?!" I am confused. "I'm not following."

"You got a message." Hero throws me my phone and starts collecting his things.

"Why the fuck would you read my texts?" I'm boiling too. I'm not reading his texts and I trust him so why wouldn't he trust me?!

"Why not? Are you hiding something or someone?" His voice gets louder with every word.

"Would you please calm down?" My voice is a whisper. I've read the text and I know who send it.

Tommy: I miss you.

The minute I saw his name on my screen my heart stopped. Hero must have noticed a change because he sits down again and seems to calm down. He takes deep breaths.

"Char? Are you okay?" He sounds concerned.

"I.. yes. I just didn't expect this text."

"Who's it from? Who's Tommy? Why are you so pale?"

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