Chapter 10

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When we walk into Lizzie's kitchen, the party has already started. The kitchen is full of people but somehow my eyes dart to Hero immediately. He's on the sofa, his green eyes staring. Why does he always look so mad when he looks at me? The girl on his lap wants some attention so she starts to kiss his neck. He smirks at me before turning his gaze to her. I need a drink.

"Well, damn," Scott says loudly and whistles when we walk up to the sofa. "I'm used to seeing you in shorts and tank tops but this is hot too!" I smile at him and blush at his words.

"How come you're used to seeing her almost naked?" Killian asks Scott and wiggles his eyebrows.

"It's just so hot in here all the time that I usually walk around in shorts and tops." I shrug.

"Really short shorts I may add." Scott wiggles his eyebrows as well. I pat him on the arm and laugh with the others. Hero isn't laughing with us.

"We should play a drinking game!" Megan suggests. "Let's play never have I ever."

"The naughty version," Hero smirks. Some more people gather around the sofa.

"Okay... never have I ever had sex in a public toilet," Hero says. The boy next to him smiles and drinks. The next few rounds all contain places where I wouldn't even want to have sex. I had sex. Once. On a bed. And he broke my heart.

"Okay, Charlotte's turn," Hero says and he looks into my eyes.

"Umm.. never have I ever had sex... in a shower." A lot of people laugh and drink.

"You haven't touched your cup once." Hero smirks at me.

"Yeah.. so?"

"You had sex before I hope? You don't strike me as the innocent type." Some of his friends laugh.

"I'm just not the type of girl who has sex anywhere or with anyone." I stand up. "Let's go guys." Lizzie and Jack stand up immediately and leave with me.

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