Chapter 37

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Too early the next day there's a knock on the door. I groan and get out of bed to open it. It's Lizzie with two cups of coffee in her hand.

"I brought you and Jo coffee. We need to talk!" She marches in and hands over the coffee.

"Okay. What's up with you and Hero? What did I miss?"

I sigh.

"We had sex." The shocked silence is deafening.

"After we kissed a couple of times it was obvious that there was some.. uhm.. attraction there. So after the night out with our film producing class, we had sex."

"Are you like.. together now?"


"Then why is he hanging out with you all the time? Why did he do all those things for your birthday?"

"He says he wants to be more than friends but let's be honest.. As if Hero is serious about that. He can get any girl he wants. He just likes the chase because I didn't throw myself at him."

"Where did you have sex?" Lizzie's question surprises me.

"In his room."



"Well.. it's just that.." Lizzie bites her lip as she's looking for words. "I think he might be serious... Hero never lets a girl come in his room. He always had sex in Meg's room or some other girl's room."

"How do you know?" My mouth is dry.

"I do live with the guy. I caught him sometimes sneaking in late because he never sleeps over and I heard him and Meg arguing about it. He said he doesn't want girls in his room because he doesn't want to see his private stuff appear in the tabloids. He doesn't trust anyone enough to enter his room."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because we went to his room and stayed there. He wanted me to sleep over and he was pissed when I left in the morning before waking him up."

"Sweety, you know I adore you but why are you fighting this then? The boy obviously likes you. A lot!"

"I'm leaving again."

"Yea so? That's months from now!"

"Okay.. you're right. I need to talk to him." I text Hero to see if we can meet.

After a few hours he still hasn't replied to my text. Killian on the other hand asks to watch some Big Bang Theory so I agree to watch in the kitchen. I haven't forgotten my promise to Hero and if I want this to work, I need to keep my promises.

"I'll fix your laptop. Can you get the bottle of red wine in my room?" Killian asks. I enter their flat whistling because I'm so happy but my heart drops immediately. Hero just walks out of Megan's room. See, I knew he couldn't be trusted! I can feel tears sting in my eyes but I blink and swallow the lump in my throat. He's not going to see me cry. Never. Jealousy is raging through me.

"Oh hey Char! What are you doing here?" Megan happily chirps.

"Oh just getting Killian's pillow and a bottle of red wine."

"Oh are you guys watching a film?"

"We're going to watch Fifty Shades of Grey in my room and he's sleeping over after so his pillow would come in handy." I give them a fake smile that doesn't reach my eyes and I see Hero's eyes blazing. He's more angry than I've ever seen him. I enter Killian's room and take the wine and his pillow. When I hurry out of there, Hero tries to grab my wrist. I shake him off and walk away. I'm done with this.

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