Chapter 29

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(Thank you for 1,3k reads!! Abroad is number one in the #heroft list and number 19 in the #herofiennestiffin one!! Please keep voting/commenting/spreading! To thank you, this one is extra long ;) Lots of love, V.)

I have barely left my room since my brother went back home. It's deadline week and I have a lot of assignments to finish. I don't mind really. I don't wanna run into Hero. Killian and I have texted a bit to check up on each other but I haven't seen him either. I'm not sure why he kissed me and how he feels about it now. We need to talk about this though. I can't wait until deadline week is over. I need to have a girls talk with Lizzie first. And Jack.

Mike invited us to the pub after our last deadline, Film Producing. We're meeting outside the Atrium, our uni building. It's cold outside so I decide to wear a snug jeans, long boots with high heels and a blouse. It's cosy but classy.

"Hi sweety! I have missed you!" I say when I spot Ana outside. As usual, we're the first ones to arrive.

"I've missed you too! Did you survive deadline week?"

"Barely... handed in my last assignment half an hour before the deadline. I'm so tired! Next semester I need to do more work on our final assignments and not focus on our small ones alone."

"I know! At least we can party tonight! Do you want to go the movies tomorrow?" I agree to meet her at Cineworld at 2pm. The others arrive and I don't dare to look at Hero. Obviously I can't control myself, like when can I ever when it comes to him?! He looks flawless. He's wearing black jeans, white sneakers, a white shirt and a black leather vest. I need a drink. Now.

When we enter The Prince of Wales, it's full of uni students celebrating the end of deadline week. Mike gets us some pitchers of beer and we find a booth.

"C'mon Char, slide in!" Lucas says and he pushes me gently in Hero's direction. I give Hero an apologetic smile and slide in next to him. The booth is a bit small for all of us, so we need to sit close. Our legs are pressed against each other and I make myself as small as possible. He's still angry and I'm getting angry too.

"Why do you have to look so angry huh?" Hero whispers when the others talk about our assignments.

"Because you're a total jerk, that's why."

"Why am I the jerk? You're the one that kissed my friend."

"Why do you even care?"

"I don't. I just didn't know you were such a slut." I look at him and my eyes are blazing. I turn slightly so my back is facing him and I take a huge sip of my beer. I concentrate on talking with the others.

"Ohh they're dancing! I want to dance too!" Amy says and tugs at my arm. Ana and I walk to the dancefloor with her. After some R&B songs, Beyoncé's Single Ladies comes up.

"C'mon girls, let's do the Single Ladies dance!" Amy yells and we all get in line to start the dance. Some other girls join us and we actually do a pretty good job. Some boys start clapping and when the song is finished we give them a bow. We're thirsty so we return to the booth.

"Looking good out there girls." Lucas winks.

"I think that's my cue to leave," Mike laughs and says goodbye to us. We'll see him next week in class.

After some more rounds of pitchers, we are officially drunk. It's getting pretty late as well so I decide to call it a night when Hero excuses himself to go to the bathroom. He hasn't looked at me all night.

"Okay, I'm going to my flat and I need sleep!" Ana nods in agreement.

"You can't walk back to your flat alone Ana," Lucas says. "I will walk you back."

"I've just texted my boyfriend. He will be here any minute now, so I will wait for him," Amy says. I say goodbye to all of them.

"Dude! Wait up!" Hero yells when he walks after me.

"I'm not a dude," I giggle. "And I don't want to walk with you, you called me a slut." I frown.

"Why do you always wander off alone in the dark?"

"I like being alone, " I say.

"I'm sorry I called you a slut." Hero says quietly. There's something in his voice that makes me turn around and look at him. He really does seem like he's sorry.

"Why did you?"

"I don't know..."

"I want a real answer this time." I demand with my hand on my hip.

"You're very bossy, you know that right?"

"I do. So now, give me a real answer." He stays silent.

"I always knew you were a boy and not a man." I start walking away.

"Wait!" He grips my arm and turns me around.

"I was.. jealous I guess. I returned to Cardiff because I wanted to kiss you at midnight. And there you were, kissing him." I'm shocked. Complete and utter shock.

"You're usually not that silent." Hero laughs nervously.

"I'm.. I mean.. why did you want to kiss me at midnight?" I'm sobering up fast.

"Because I always enjoy kissing you." He puts his hands around my face and presses his lips against mine. It's a sweet kiss. He pulls away slightly and looks at me. His lashes are so long and his eyes are so beautiful. I can feel my resistance crumbling down. I press my lips against his and he opens them, brushing his tongue against mine. I can taste the beer he had earlier. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer to him.

"Get a room!" Someone yells from across the street.

"We should go." I say and I push myself off him. We start walking and Hero takes my hand. Our fingers intertwine. We don't say much while walking. I guess we can both feel what's about to happen.

When we enter the elevator, he presses me against the wall and starts kissing me again. This time it's hot and wild. I can feel them in my entire body. When we walk in our hallway I'm not sure what to do.

"Come back to my room with me," Hero says. I hesitate. Why should I? There have been a million girls in there. I don't want to be just another one night stand and I don't want to complicate things further.

"Please. I want you in my room, on my bed," he whispers in my ear.

"I shouldn't..."

"You should. I have never had a girl in my own room before. I want to spend the night with you and wake up next to you." I look at him and I'm surprised. He might be lying but who cares? His words have turned me on and turned me into mush. He can do anything to me right now. He takes my hand and leads the way. Besides... maybe having sex is good. It might get me over the trauma of losing my virginity to the only boy I loved. So much. And who hurt me so much...

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