Chapter 22

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The next morning I'm still not sure why Hero and I always end up kissing. I don't like it. And I really don't like the dream I had about him. I'm just not sure if I can keep this casual. I'm such a fool anyway. Why would a guy like that ever be interested in a girl like me? He can get every girl he wants. I won't see him again until Monday so for now I try to get him out of my mind. We organised a Harry Potter marathon and I'm setting everything up in the kitchen. Scott and Nikki have gone home for the weekend so it'll just be me, Lizzie, Jack, Stefan and Killian. It's the perfect weekend: my friends, food and Harry Potter. Two can sit on the sofa, one can sit in the cosy chair and the rest of us will be on the floor. I put a lot of pillows on the floor and some blankets so at least we'll be comfortable. Lizzie and Jack walk in with the popcorn and crisps, Killian and Stefan are bringing drinks.

"Oh my god," I sigh. "I'm soooo excited! It's been ages since I've done a Harry Potter marathon!" I pull my long hair into a messy bun.

"You two look like dorks!" Killian laughs and points at Lizzie and me. We bought matching Harry Potter pyjamas today and we're both wearing them. I throw a pillow at him and he chases me around to kitchen to tickle me for pay back.

"Get. Off. Me!" I yell in between laughs.

"Hey, umm.. can I join you?" I turn around to see Hero standing in the doorway. I look at the others and we all look surprised. Hero looks uncomfortable. It's the first time he actually wants to hang out with us. We're so different. We kind of do look like nerds compared to him.

"Yeah, sure man!" Killian walks over to him and pats him on the back.

"Okay, dips on the sofa!" Jack says and he rushes over to it. Lizzie jumps on top of him.

"Ugh, now I never want to sit on the sofa again!" I pout. "At least keep your hands on top of the blankets guys!" We all laugh. Stefan takes the cosy chair. Killian and Hero take a seat on the pillows and leave a spot in the middle. I suddenly feel nervous. I go sit between them and Killian puts a blanket on top of us. Hero and I both kind of sit straight and try to sit as far away from each other as possible. How will we ever get through 8 films?! Stefan dims the lights and presses play. I hear the soothing sounds of the known Harry Potter theme and I relax instantly. When I enter Harry's world, I forget about everything. Well, I always could in the past anyway.

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