Chapter 85

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The day of my going away party I'm very nervous. My two best friends Steven and Jolene will come by car to pick up my stuff and Hero and I will return to Belgium with them. I'm not sure how Steven will react or how they will react. They are my best friends so their opinion matters to me. I hope they like him as much as I do!

"Stop worrying," Hero sneaks up from behind me and gives me a kiss on the head. I want to reply when my phone rings.

"Oh my god, they're here!" I jump up and drag Hero along with me. I rush down the stairs because the elevator is taking too long and when I'm finally outside I spot them, two of the people that matter most to me in this world.

"Aaaaaah you're here!" I jump on top of them and Hero stays behind.

"Okay, Jojo, you have met Hero. Steven, this is Hero." Both boys look at each other and shake hands. They just stare and I'm looking back and forth.

"You know," Steven says. "I've never known Charlie with a boyfriend. You're the first one to get close enough but beware bro, she's a wild one!" Then he laughs and Hero start laughing too.

"Oh, I've noticed that she's feisty."

We spend the day walking around Cardiff with them. It's a strange feeling for me that I'm seeing all of this for the last time. Cardiff feels like home and it's very weird that tomorrow I'll be gone. Sure, I'll visit but I'll never live here again. I'll visit plenty of times though. Lizzie and Jack are my new family and best friends. A bond like that can't be broken because of a silly thing like distance. We love each other too much for that but boy, I will miss them.

The boys are in Hero's room getting ready and the girls are in Lizzies. Mine is all packed up and the sight of it just makes us sad. My final girls night with Lizzie.

"Okay, let's go to my flat!" We grab some bottles of alcohol and walk to my kitchen. They boys are there already and so are some of my friends. I walk up to Hero and give him a small kiss.

"You know, this probably is the very first party that we're not fighting," Hero says with a smile.

"We didn't fight on my birthday!"

"Oh baby, we did. I wanted to date you and you fought me off for so long!"

"It is the first party that I'm not worried about you and other girls." I give him a grin and he gives me a kiss.

"You never have to worry about that anymore!"

It is one of the best nights I've had in Cardiff. Everyone I care about is in my tiny kitchen and so is the crew that helped me with my very first film. Killian, Jack and Lizzie are standing in a corner.

"Hey, what are you up to? It's a party, dance!" I say to them.

"It's just so sad that this is your last night living with us," Lizzie says and her voice breaks.

"I know," I sigh. "It's very strange to know that you'll be living together next year without me."

"Oh pick up one more year of study!" Jack says.

"I can't. Time for me to grow up," I say with a sad smile.

"I'm going to miss you Char!" Killian says and he hugs me.

"Stop it, I don't want to cry!" I drag them on the dancefloor with me.

The next day we're all very sad. I can't believe this year is over. It's gone by so fast. I have changed so much over the past year and this amazing city called Cardiff in a beautiful country called Wales healed me. I remember the first time I read about this course. I had never heard of Cardiff and I didn't even know where Wales was exactly and now, only a year later, I can't imagine leaving it. I met some amazing people here and had a wonderful year. I met the love of my life and I fell in love. Cardiff has given me so much and more.

"Okay, group hug!" Lizzie says and they all stand around me. "Can't you just stay?" she says with tears in her eyes.

"I wish." Tears are welling up in mine too. God, I never expected to meet friends like these! They truly are family. "I'm coming back in November though."

"Better not be the last time!" Jack says.

"It won't be." And I mean it. We all say goodbye, well Hero and I do. Lizzie, Jack, Killian, Scott and Stephan will live together in a house next year. They're moving in tomorrow. I'm a tiny bit jealous. I wish I had started my first year of uni here. I wish a had more time with these guys.

"Come on sweetie, we have to go." Hero gently pulls me away from Jack and Lizzie. "See you in December when you visit America!" He says to them. I go sit next to him in the car and he pulls me against him. I look back at my friends and wave at them while Steven drives away. I'm leaving Cardiff again but this time, Hero is leaving with me.


(Hey guys! It's very strange for me to let Hero and Charlotte go. I had so much joy writing this story, my first one and to read your comments. I didn't want to drag out this story though, it was always meant to capture one year at the University of South Wales. I want to thank Jac and Lizzie for letting me use their real names and some of the things that actually happened during our year together in Cardiff. While this story has ended, I don't think the journey of Hero and Charlotte has so I'm very happy to announce that I'll write a second story about them, called 'Foreign'.

Charlotte and Hero will go to the States where Hero will have to work with Melany. Meanwhile, Charlotte meets Josh, he's an actor in the film and they become very close. Will their love be strong enough to survive Melany and Josh?

I'm taking some time to write this because I want to be able to post more frequently which is easier if I have written some chapters in advance. So keep an eye on my profile if you want to read part two!

In a couple of days I will start posting a brand new story, a fan fiction about 5 Seconds of Summer, 'After the Fall' so please give that a read!

Thank you to each and everyone of you to keep reading 'Abroad' and to give me comments and feedback. It means the world to me! Hope to hear from you next time! Lots of love, V.)

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