Chapter 28

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It is as if the air got knocked out of me. What is he doing here? We keep staring at each other and he's beyond angry. Megan jumps on top of him and wishes him a happy new year. We go closer as well.

"Hey man! Didn't know you were coming back today!" Scott slurs. He's a bit drunk.

"Well Megan texted me like a week ago and I told her I was arriving today. My flight got delayed though, I should've been here sooner. I wanted to celebrate the new year with you guys. Seems like I've missed a lot." He looks at me when he says this. I bite my lip and look away. I see Megan with a smug smile on her face looking at me. Bitch. Everyone gives Hero a hug but when it's my turn he just looks at me angry again and walks away.

"Surprise! Happy New Year." Megan whispers before following him.

I try not to let it get to me. He's the one that left without saying a word. We haven't talked in weeks. What is he so pissed about? At 5 am we walk home. It has been this crazy, great night. Killian and I walk hand in hand. We're so drunk.

"My feet hurt!" I slur.

"Jump on my back! I will carry you!" Killian bravely announces. We fall on the ground on the first try. It takes a while before we stop laughing. The second try is better and he carries me to the dorms. I haven't seen Hero again. Or Megan.

I say goodbye to Jack, Lizzie and Killian and go to my room with my brother. Maybe it's for the best he's staying here. Who knows what I might to with Killian while we're both wasted.

The next morning I go out for breakfast with my brother. It's been nice having him here. I plan on showing him around town tomorrow.

"Ugh I have SUCH a hangover!" I declare when we walk in the elevator. Hero walks in behind us. There's the massive tension and awkward silence.

"You know, you're such a hypocrite," he breaks the silence.

"Excuse me?!"

"You look down on me for sleeping with all those girls but here you are, kissing me, kissing Killian, you probably even slept with him last night and now you're taking this guy to your room!" He stared yelling at some point in his speech.

"First of all, it's none of your business who I kiss! Why do you even care?! You're the one that left without a word! I haven't seen or talked to you in weeks! And not that I owe you an explanation but this is my brother. He slept in my room, not Killian." Hero didn't expect this.

"Uhmm... nice to meet you." My brother has trouble keeping his face straight. Without one more word to Hero, we leave.

"Why do you even care that I left!" Hero yells before I enter my flat.

"Wow Char, you're so much more interesting abroad." My brother bursts out in laughing.

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