Chapter 12

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The next day I don't have any classes with Hero. While I'm dressing up for the faculty mixer, I wonder if he'll be there. The dress code is cocktail so I decide on a whine red dress above the knee. It's sleeveless and grows a bit wider from the hips down. I wear black high heels. I prefer my hair down and put some mascara on. I'm so nervous! I'm not good at these kinds of things. As I'm crossing the street I hear my name. I recognize his voice instantly and it annoys me.

"Already told you, you shouldn't walk the streets alone," he says as he comes walking next to me. I want to talk back to him but as soon as I've turned around I'm frozen. He's wearing a plain black suit but he looks so damn yummy in it. Totally unfair.

"What?" He asks unsure when he realises I've stopped walking.

"Ummm.. nothing," I reply quickly. Too quickly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks suspicious.

"No reason," I start walking again, faster this time.

"Something wrong with my suit?"

"No, you look good!" I say before I can stop myself. He doesn't answer but he has a smile on his face.

As soon as we enter the building, we get separated. Our course leader wants to introduce Hero to everyone important. I watch him as he's talking to all these important people. He must be so nervous but he's not showing it. He is giving everyone his charming smile.

The night passes by fast. I've met some interesting people who might be a great help with my graduation project. My feet hurt like hell while I'm waiting to cross the street.

"You're terrible! You don't even listen to my advice," Hero says as he walks next to me.

"I'm pretty used to walking alone in the dark," I tell him and talk about my previous study at the University of Ghent. I think this is the first time we're actually having a conversation. Way too soon we stand in front of our flats.

"You look good too," he whispers as he's entering his flat. All I can do is stand there and mutter 'thank you'. Where the hell did this come from?

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