Chapter 82

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*H E R O*

For a second she doesn't say anything, then she drops her head and lets out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Hero. I can't be your girlfriend again. I only have less than a month left here and we both know we can't do long distance." When she lifts her head her eyes tell me this is her final decision. I wasn't prepared for this. If I had known last night that it would be the last night I could be with her I would have memorized everything. We don't say anything for a while but I think we deserve a proper goodbye. I need a proper goodbye. I need to touch her, feel her, taste her one more time. I take a seat next to her on the pile of blankets and pillows.

"Char.." I sigh. "We can't leave it like that." I lean in and her beautiful brown eyes meet mine. She looks surprised. I start kissing her neck and she makes a sound as if she was holding her breath.

"Hero.. are you sure? I don't want to make this any harder." I don't say a word and keep kissing the spot that turns her on. I like knowing that I'm the only one that knows about this spot. It feels intimate, my little secret. She closes her eyes and a soft moan escapes her lips when I touch her breasts through her shirt. I'm happy about this. I'll make sure to remember every little thing. I'm not sure if it's the fact that we both know this is goodbye that makes it more intense but it feels like that. I feel more connected to her than ever before and every movement and taste seems more real than ever. She straddles me as I take off her shirt and bra. Her hands tuck at my hair when I take one nipple in my mouth and play with the other. She unzips my jeans and slides off her panties, she leaves her skirt on and stays on top of me. I slowly enter her and enjoy every minute of it. She rides me slow and intense. I look at her. She looks amazing. Her eyes are closed and I can tell she's enjoying this too. When she opens her eyes we stare at each other and everything we didn't say hangs between us in the air. I know this is goodbye. She's taking her time more than ever before. I moan her name and she presses her lips against mine. Her tongue feels soft against mine. When we both reach an intense climax I keep my eyes open and watch her enjoy her orgasm. She stays on my lap a bit longer and she hugs me. Even though we'll still be around each other she's saying goodbye. There's a knot in my stomach. I give her my shirt to sleep in and she cuddles against my chest. I can't fall asleep because of the hole in my heart. I guess Charlotte isn't sleeping either because her breathing isn't slow and deep but we both stay silent.

The day after I'm a mess. I always used to be this happy, positive person and now I'm just.. not. I feel empty and everything seems so pointless. I can't believe she's this cold and distant. She was gone when I woke up and I find her outside with a cup of instant coffee.

"Hey." She gives me a tiny smile and offers me some coffee. Instant coffee is horrible stuff but I take it anyway. She keeps looking at the paper in front of her, today's schedule.

"Oh shit, I should open the door. Lizzie and some other set design students are coming by early to prepare the windows. We only have night scenes today." She stretches and stands up. "There is some breakfast in the kitchen if you want some." And just like that she's gone. What the fuck?! Why does she act like nothing happened? Like we just didn't have sex for the very last time? Like we didn't end it last night? I pulls my legs up and put my head on top of my knees.

"You look terrible." I hear Lizzie's familiar voice. She sits down next to me and puts her arm around me. I've always liked Lizzie. She's always so sweet and like the big sister we sometimes need during this first year of uni.

"I feel terrible." I know I don't have to explain. Lizzie will understand.

"She's hurting too."

"No. She's not. She just ended it like it's nothing. She did both times by the way. She didn't fight for me. She never did."

"She's damaged but she'll realise. Trust me."

I look at her with helpless eyes.

"Come on star actor, we have to get you to make up!"

She stands up and drags me with her. Today is going to be a long day.

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