Chapter 13

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I don't see Hero for the rest of the week. He's only in my Film Producing class and I haven't come across him in the dorms. I haven't gone to any more parties. Jack, Liz, Stefan and me like ordering pizza and watch films. I visit Bath on Saturday with Ana, Sebastian and Lucas. We have the best time at this beautiful city and I get to visit Jane Austen's house. I really like Jane Austen so I buy some books there.

The first time I see Hero again is in Film Producing. He isn't late this time and takes his seat next to me. His arm touches mine and I immediately feel electricity again. He jerks his arm away and I look at him. He doesn't say anything. In fact, he doesn't speak to me the entire class. It's a good class though. I like Mike and I participate quite a bit. I also managed to finish his assignment early so he promises to mark it by next week. Hero leaves as soon as class ends. What is his deal anyway?

The rest of the week is pretty much the same as last week. I don't walk into Hero. Ever. I'm spending more time outside anyway. Lizzie and Jack seem very busy so I'm alone quite a bit. I'm not sure where they are. I usually call Sebastian to hang out. I don't want to be alone. I came here to forget. Being alone just makes me think about him. Still, Cardiff has a healing effect on me. I also got a BAFTA card so I get to go to the movies for free, which is awesome.

On Saturday night when I return from a film I see Hero. I walk into the elevator where he's kissing a girl. As soon as I walk in he looks at me. There's a strange look in his eyes. Embarrassment? Okay, this is awkward. The girl wraps her arms around him. Lucky for me, they walk out on the fifth floor. My flat is on the seventh. I'm in a pretty bad mood when I enter my room and I don't know why. Maybe I do but I'll never admit it.

On Sunday morning I finally see Lizzie again.

"I kissed Jack!" She screams as she launches herself on my bed.

"What?! What did I miss? How did this happen?" I'm so surprised.

"I'm not sure... he was so nice to me after the whole Killian thing and we spend quite some time together. Well we did spend alllll our time together." She smiles and she looks so happy. Oh wow, my two best friends here are dating? Guess this is what happens when a bunch of students live together. Look at Killian and Megan. There's a knock on my door.

"Liz and I kissed," Jack states as soon as I open the door.

"We agreed to not tell anyone!" Lizzie yells from my bed. We all start laughing and spend our Sunday together.

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