Chapter 55

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(Hi guys! Thank you for the support!! I'm on a family holiday at the moment so updates will take some time. I'll post as much as I can. Enjoy your summer! Xoxo V.)

There's a knock on my bedroom.

"Charlotte! Open the door!" It's Hero.

"I don't want to see him," I squeak like a frightened kitten. I hate how he's able to make me this weak. We ignore the pounding.

"Charlotte! Please," he begs. "I know you're in there and I need to explain." Jack and Killian march over to the door and open it. They stand in the doorway like two bodyguards.

"Let me in."

"Not a chance in hell," Jacks sounds furious.

"Please guys," Hero begs again. "I need to see her." His voice breaks.

"You'll never talk to her again so go away," Killian spits. "You disgust me. You promised me it was over."

"It is over! Melany is just here because she doesn't want it to be." Hero breaks down in loud sobs. My heart breaks all over again. I don't want to hear this. I just want to disappear.

"Go away," Killian repeats.

"Please.. I need to explain. I can't hurt her like this."

"Too late pal, just go. She can't be around you right now." Killian slams the door in his face. Hero uses both fists to pound.

"Let me in!" He screams.

"Okay, enough," Jack says. "I'll go talk to him." Jack leaves and takes Hero away. I'm not sure what he's going to do with him but I don't care. Killian is uncomfortable around me, I can tell he doesn't want to stay. Lizzie must realize it too.

"Go," she says. "Go and talk to Hero." Killian sighs in relief.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers before walking out. Lizzie puts her arms around me again and stays silent. She just lets me cry.

I cried for hours before I finally fell asleep. Sleep didn't bring me much peace though because my dreams where haunted by Hero's cries. When I wake up, Lizzie is still there with her arms wrapped around me.

"You're still here?" My voice is raw with emotion.

"Of course I am. Besides you only slept for about an hour." I sit up straight and everything hits me again.

"How could I be so stupid Liz?" I whisper.

"You're not stupid. He had us all fooled."

"I can't believe it. I need to see it for myself." I reach out to take my phone.

"That's probably not a good idea," she says uncomfortable.

"I need to. I need to see it to believe it." I ignore her protests and google Hero Fiennes-Tiffin. There it is, the internet is full of articles about them. There are photos and videos of them walking around LA hand in hand with broad smiles on their face. I must admit, she is gorgeous. Her strawberry blonde hair reaches her hips and he has long, dark lashes. She's almost as tall as he is and her legs seems to go on forever. Just to torture myself I read some articles. I need to face what I've put myself through. I need to feel every emotion possible just so I'll never let someone in again.

"Okay, that's enough," Lizzie decides after ten minutes. "You need to stop torturing yourself." She takes away my phone and iPad.

"Did you read any of the articles?" I ask.

"I did while you were asleep," she admits. "Do you want some food?"

"No, I can't eat."

"I'll get us some anyway. Unless you want me to leave and be alone?"

"No, I don't want to be. Please come back," I plea.

"Shhhh, don't worry. I will! I just need to pick up my phone, get us some food and I'll be back."

"Can you bring us some drinks? I can use a drink."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do about that," she smiles and leaves.

I'm afraid to be alone. Afraid to be alone with my demons and my thoughts. Facing them will ruin me. I knew Hero had the power to destroy me when I gave him my heart and he did.

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