Chapter 78

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I close my eyes and just enjoy the massage, his hands on my skin.

"You know, there are better ways to relax," Hero whispers in my ear, his lips against my earlobe, his voice eager. I snap my eyes open.

"I.. we.." I stammer.

"Shh." He kisses my neck. "You know, it really turned me on to see you today. You were all bossy and everyone listened to you." When he nibbles at the soft spot just below my jaw my defense breaks. I want to give in to the tension, I need to give in or I'll explode. I think Hero can feel my resistance crumble because his hands leave my neck and trace down my arms, onto my stomach, under my shirt. I'm between his legs and I can feel his hardness press against my back. A moan escapes my lips and that's all the encouragement he needs. He turns me around and I straddle him. He takes off my shirt and unsnaps my bra. He admires my breasts for a second and then puts his lips against mine. His tongue gently pushes against my lips and I open them. His tongue finds mine and for the first time in forever, we share a hungry kiss. I have missed this feeling so much!

"I've missed you," Hero says against my lips, panting.

"Shh. Let's not talk." I say and I gently bite his lower lip. He groans and cups my boobs. He gently squeezes them before licking my nipple. My hands run through his hair and he sucks on my nipple while flicking his thumb over the other one. His hand leaves my breast and he unzips my jeans. His hand disappears in the space between us and he soon finds my sensitive spot that is aching with desire.

"Oh god, you're so wet already!" he moans. I want to feel him too and his throbbing lid appears when I unzip his jeans. I slide my hands up and down.

"You're going to make me come early if you keep this up," he says against my boob.

"That's the point," I respond with a naughty grin.

"I want to come inside you," he says with blazing eyes. The look on his face almost makes me come too. He gently pushes me against the pillows and takes off my jeans before taking off his. He takes too long to do it and I make a protesting noise.

"Calm down," he grins as he lowers himself on top of me. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!!" I almost scream. He smiles again and pushes himself inside me. I haven't had sex in so long and it feels so good to finally share this with him again. We start moving fast.

"I'm sorry," he says. "Am I hurting you? Do you want me to slow down?" He stops moving and I whimper.

"Please don't. I like it." He starts moving again and the longing makes us move faster and faster. I've missed sex and I've missed him. I can tell he missed sex too because we're both acting like starved animals. I want to feel him and taste him everywhere. Hero comes first but doesn't stop moving. He puts his hand between us and flicks his finger over my clit. I come too and the orgasm lasts forever. When I finally come to my senses again, Hero is still on top of me, panting. His head on my chest, my hand through his hair.

We must have fallen asleep because when my alarm goes off, we're still in the same position. Hero opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Good morning beautiful," he smiles and gives me a kiss. Oh, what have we done?! This isn't good. Hero probably knows something is wrong because suddenly he sits up straight and looks at me with narrowed eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Hero, we shouldn't have done this."

"You're relaxed now, right? So we should have!"

"Yes I am... but we can't do this. We can't be together. I can't be in a relationship with you."

"I knew you were going to say this. But you can't deny there's something between us."

"Sexual tension, physical attraction, that's what it is."

"Are you sure that's all there is?"

"Yes!" No, I'm really not if I'm completely honest.

"If you're sure... I can't let you go completely though. Last night was amazing. I have missed this. We could be friends with benefits?"

"What? No, we can't."

"Yes, it's perfect! We won't need to ignore the tension between us and you'll be more relaxed this week." He grins at me and I stare at him with open mouth. "Oh come on, you know you want to have sex with me." He's right. It felt so good and I feel so much better now.

"Okay," I say. "Let's do this!" My heartrate picks up from excitement and I feel the aching between my legs.

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