Chapter 15

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I'm in a bad mood when I walk into Killian.

"Hey Charly, what are you up to?"

"I was about to watch a film and stay in bed," I laugh as we take the elevator together.

"Oh okay..." He lingers outside his flat, almost as if he doesn't want to enter.

"Want to join me?" He smiles and immediately follows me to my room.

"I'm going to change first." I put on a football shirt and shorts. Eden Hazard's shirt today. My bed is small so we need to sit arm to arm, my laptop on my lap. Killian is fun to hang out with. After the film ends, we talk for a bit until there's a knock on the door.

"I'm sorry," Hero says when the door isn't even completely open yet. "It's not you."

"Oh okay. So you won't work with me but it's not my fault." I don't let him enter.

"I just don't want to umm... work with... Girls.." I can see he's uncomfortable. Good. I laugh in his face. What?

"Why?" I manage to say.

"I just don't want to okay." I don't say anything, I just stare at him. I need more than this.

"Girls are just umm.. weird around me I guess. They just tend to.." he's too embarrassed to go on but I get his point.

"What? They tend to fall for you?" I laugh again. "I promise you this Hero, I will never fall in love with you. Not in a million years." He looks mad now, his green eyes blazing.

"Good. Can we work on our assignment now?" He pushes past me and stops when he spots Killian on my bed.

"Oh.. hey man. Didn't know you were here." He looks curious and.. mad again?

"Yeah, we just finished our film. I'll let you guys work though." Killian stretches as he stands up.

"Still on for cinema tomorrow?" He asks as he reaches the door. I nod. It's a bit awkward when he's gone.

"Okay. I assume you haven't read the script yet. I printed mine so you can read on my iPad." I lay down on my bed and want to start reading.

"I'm not reading 150 pages on a chair." Hero pushes me aside and lays down next to me. I feel the familiar feeling of electricity running through my veins when his arm touches mine. Maybe this assignment was a bad idea after all.

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