Chapter 34

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The next few days Hero is in our flat a lot. The others are a bit surprised but don't say anything. I think Killian and Scott kept quiet.

"Want to watch a film tomorrow?" Hero asks during a game of monopoly. Game of Thrones version of course.

"I can't. My best friend is arriving tomorrow!" I jump up and down from excitement.

"Oh okay.. that's nice." I can tell he's disappointed.

"She's coming for my birthday the day after tomorrow!"

"What? It's your birthday?"

"Yea... I'm a bit sad though. 5 Seconds Of Summer are playing at the Motorpoint Arena and I didn't get tickets."

"That's why we're throwing you a flat party!" Lizzie says. Jack gives her a push.

"Woops." She giggles.

"Oh.. Really?!"

"Yea, it was meant to be a surprise," Jack says with a frown.

"It's perfect, thank you!!" I give them a hug.

"You can come too Hero," Lizzie says.

"We're planning on going to Live Lounge after."


"We didn't tell you because we didn't want Megan to know," Lizzie tells him.

"But since you're here all the time now anyway, we'd love for you to come!" Jack assures him.

"You could've told me sooner! Now I need to find the perfect present in two days!" he scoffs.

I'm so happy to see Jolene when she walks out of the bus. We spend the day walking around town and visit Cardiff Castle. That's what I love about Cardiff, there's always so much to see! On my birthday she takes me out for breakfast and afternoon tea. They have the best afternoon tea at Pettigrew's! It's been a nice and sunny but cold day so I have a hard time deciding what to wear for my party.

"Just wear the red one! We will be inside most of the time anyway!" She's right of course but I catch myself not wondering about the weather but about Hero. Would he like the dress? I mentally slap myself. We're not dating. I decide to wear the red dress. It's tight, short and has lace on the back. I wear black high heels and put some eyeliner on. Red lipstick finishes my look. I'm excited to enter the kitchen. They banned me from it earlier to decorate.

"Oh my god guys! Thank you!!" I'm speechless. They decorated the entire kitchen and there's cake and champagne. I jump into Lizzie's arms and hug her. I suspect she's the one who made this happen. I hug Jack, Killian, Scott and Stefan too. Hero isn't here yet...

We start the party anyway. Killian pops the champagne and we all have some Red Velvet cake. By the time Hero and his friends enter, we're already dancing on the sofa.

"Hey there birthday girl," he says while wrapping his hand around my waist and lifting me from the sofa. I'm a bit surprised. For a short moment I'm in complete bliss and can actually feel butterflies. Must be the champagne, right?

"Hey you." I smile.

"Happy birthday!"

"You know... In Belgium we give the birthday boy or girl three kisses on the cheek," I say with a cheeky smile.

"Oh is that so? Wouldn't want to ruin Belgian traditions!" He gives me three soft kisses. His lips linger a little longer with the last one.

"Do you want your present?"

"Oooohh yes please!"

"Well.. I called my friend Cal to help me. He has this band and they're playing next door tonight so I kind of figured we could meet them and watch them perform before we go out." I'm speechless again. My mouth is wide open when I stare at him.

"You okay?" he asks with a smile. I start screaming.

"Oh my god!! Really?! Thank you!!" I yell when I jump in his arms to hug him.

"I'm deaf now. But you're welcome," he whispers in my ear.

"What what?" Lizzie and Jolene asks at the same time.

"We are going to the 5SOS concert!" They start screaming too.

"Probably not a good idea to tell them that we're going to meet the boys as well," Hero says to the guys.

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