Chapter 4

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"Killian is hot!" Lizzie sighs as she curls my long, brown hair.

"Won't this get weird? I mean you live together!"

"He probably isn't interested anyway."

"I bet he is, you're so beautiful," I assure her.

"So who do you like?" she asks

"I'm not here to get a boyfriend or to like anyone. I'm just here to get a degree and enjoy my year abroad." I take a sip of my wine. We decided to have a drink while getting ready.

"Dude. That's so lame! There must be one of them you find attractive!"

"It's not. Think about it, college is about having the time of your life! It's about going to a party, get drunk, hook up with a guy... just live."

"Amen to that sister! I didn't know you were such a badass." She laughs. I laugh too.

"I'm not. I just want to enjoy life before I have to be an adult."

"Oh, I forgot you're almost 5 years older than we are."

After we get ready, we walk to my flat's kitchen. I think we both look good. Lizzie is wearing a very short, red dress which shows her curves. I'm wearing a longer black dress which is tight around my body. It has a cleavage so I think my boobs look nice. I might not be here to find love but I do want to meet boys. We're both wearing heels. For now at least. I'm not the skinniest person, I have curves and boobs and hips but this dress makes me look great. Jack and Killian are already in there blasting music and fixing us drinks. My friends are big nerds, just like I am. We soon start these dance and sing battles, which we enjoy a lot. I'm in the middle of my best 'Mr Bightside' air guitar game when I hear boys bursting into laughter behind me. Hero and his friends have entered. I turn around to look at them. They all look good. Too good.

"Sorry to interrupt your... performance," Hero starts. "But can we start the party now?" Killian changes the music and dims the lights. I'm so embarrassed.

"Here, take another drink," Killian offers. He's such a nice guy. We talk a bit and I feel Hero's eyes on me. He's annoying me. Okay, I did play air guitar and it did probably look funny, but dude stop staring!

I'm talking to Killian when I feel warm lips against my ear.

"Looking good gorgeous," Scott whispers. I turn around and I chuckle. Scott is so easy going. I offer him a drink and ask about his day. Behind Scott I can see Lizzie and Megan sitting next to Hero on the sofa. Their cheeks are flushed and they're giggling like little girls. Lizzie's cheeks turn a darker shade of red when Hero leans in and whispers something in her ear. Killian comes over and distracts me. When I look back, Hero and his friends are gone.

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