Chapter 75

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The next couple of days I'm so busy with my film that I don't see my friends. I'm meeting with potential crew, I visit possible locations and I finalize the script with my writer Rebecca. We start shooting soon and I want everything to be organized perfectly. By the time I go to bed I'm exhausted. Apart from the film I also have essays to write so my head is filled with film and film theories. I've just put my laptop away for the night when there's a knock on my bedroom door. I look around, my room is a mess. Reluctantly I open the door.

"Oh hey Liz!" I'm relieved it's Lizzie, for a minute I was worried it might be Hero and I don't want him to see my messy room. I let her in and she takes a seat on my bed.

"I'm kidnapping you tomorrow night. You need a night out and relax!"

"I can't. I have so much work!" I sigh.

"Oh, come on! One night won't hurt." She's right. I'm very stressed and a night out might be exactly what I need.

"Okay... One night!"

"Yes! Thanks!" We talk some more and decide that tomorrow will be girls only. A night out alone with my Cardiff bestie will be so much fun! We haven't done a girlsnight in a while and my departure will be here soon.

The next night I'm super excited for our night out. I put some music on and take a long shower. The hot water loosens my muscles and makes me relaxed. When I get out of the shower I put on some sexy lingerie. No one will see it of course but I feel more confident in it. Some part of me is wondering of Hero will be out as well and the other part of me doesn't want him to. I don't want to cause a scene and I don't want to make one. I don't want to feel hurt or jealous and I'm fully aware of the fact that we need some time apart. But, he always looks so sexy and I enjoy watching him. I love the way my body awakens when he's nearby as if I'm not fully alive when he's not around. I stare in to the mirror and shake my head. Stupid woman, man up! I decide to call Lizzie. I want to look different tonight and I want my otherwise straight hair to curl. She's way better in curling my hair than I am. I decide on a tight red dress and red high heels. Red has always been my favorite color and I feel sexy in it. I open a bottle of white wine for us.

"Woa, you look great!" Lizzies says when she walks in. "Thanks for the wine." She takes a sip and pushes me on the bed to curl my hair.

"You look awesome and we match!" She's wearing a long, red dress with a floral print. It goes perfectly with her dark hair. "We'll break some hearts tonight!"

"Oh, I hope so!" she says and she starts laughing. Half an hour later I have sexy curls and smokey eyes. We're ready! We take some selfies to post on Instagram and walk to The Prince of Wales for some pre-drinking. We both order a pitcher of Porn Star Martini.

"Damn, I love this cocktail," I sigh while taking a sip. Lizzie giggles.

"Me too! Such an odd name though!" We talk about weird cocktail names and the reason behind their name while finishing the pitcher. Surprisingly, it doesn't take very long. By the time we walk to Glam we're both giggling. The queue to get in is endless.

"It will be so crowded tonight!" I groan. I hate queueing. When we finally get in it isn't as bad as I'd expected. The music is great tonight and I feel like dancing.

"Let's get some drinks first," Lizzie shouts in my ear. I take her hand and follow her to the bar where she orders us some drinks. I'm not too sure about drinking vodka-cranberry on top of Porn Star Martini but I'll worry about that later. With our drinks in hand we head over to the dancefloor. We find a good spot, not too crowded and not in the middle of the dancefloor. When we start dancing I can put my worries aside. I'm not making too much eye contact with boys because I just want to have fun tonight.

Half an hour later we're both out of breath and out of drinks. We head back to the bar and order some more.

"Thank you," I say to Lizzie. "This is exactly what I needed!"

"You're welcome! This is so much fun!" I nod in agreement but I second later the blood rushes to my cheeks and my heartrate picks up. Hero is sitting in the VIP section and he's staring right at me.

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