Chapter 16

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Every night for the next week, we work in my room. Hero isn't the arrogant jerk I expected him to be. We actually have a lot of fun together.

"You sure you want to do some work?" I ask unsure. "It's a Friday night!"

"It's fine, I don't have any plans," Hero laughs and stretches on my bed. I bite on my lip and look away. That looked way too sexy!

"Okay, let us at least have a beer while we work." I pull out two beers and hand him one.

"Aahhh, I love your Belgian beers," he sighs and takes a sip. We actually get a lot of work done and end up talking on my bed with another beer. We're sitting across from each other, our knees touching gently.

"You know, you're actually pretty easy to talk to." Hero says with a soft voice. I notice his eyes are getting darker. His finger touches my leg gently. I immediately feel it tingle between my legs and in my stomach.

"Yea.. so are you. You're not what I expected," I whisper. Hero's finger slides up higher until it reaches my hip. I gasp. As if that's his cue, he places both hands on my hips and pulls me on top of him. As I look down on him I see fire blazing in his eyes. Why do I feel nervous? I've done this a million times. The moment his lips touch mine, it's like something explodes inside of me. Okay, I've never felt this way before. Ever. His tongue gently caresses mine. The kiss is slow at first but as soon as I moan, it's as if he let's go of everything and our kiss grows wilder. His hands slide under my shirt leaving goose bumps on my skin. I have mine in his hair. I can feel his erection through our jeans. I start rocking his hips. Just like when we were dancing my body seems to know how to react to his instinctively. A moan escapes his lips. When I break our kiss to pull up his shirt I see something change in his eyes. He pushes me beside him.

"I'm sorry... This was such a mistake. It won't happen again." He stands up quickly and leaves. I'm shocked and hurt. What did just happen?!

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