Chapter 33

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The next day Killian finally knocks on our flat door.

"Hey Char! Haven't seen you in ages!" He hugs me.

"Umm.. let's get a coffee in the kitchen," I say when he pushes against my bedroom door. He looks surprised and frowns but follows me. Damn it, I don't want to hurt his feelings. He watches me silently while I make coffee. I really don't know how to explain this.

"It's because of Hero isn't it?" he says with a soft voice. I almost drop our cups.

"What is?"

"He's the reason why you want to talk in the kitchen isn't he?"

"I umm.." How can I explain what happened?

"It's okay. I know what happened. He told me and Scott while playing pool the other day."

 He what?!

"Yea.. Scott was teasing me about how good you looked on New Year's Eve and Hero kind of snapped and told us you had sex with him," he follows when I don't answer. My face is red with embarrassment. I feel so ashamed.

"Killian.. I'm so sorry. He wasn't supposed to tell anyone. We're not together or anything..."

"It's fine Charly, really!"

"You're not mad? I mean you kissed me and –"

"I'm not mad. I just kissed you because I could. I mean, we're friends and you look good. We were drunk and it was midnight at New Years' Eve." He smiles at me.

"Oh.. okay. Nice we cleared that one up." I smile back.

"So what's up with you and Hero?"

Since he knows, I might as well tell my side of the story. I need to talk to Lizzie and Jack too.

"Hahahah. Good thing you turned him down. Just be careful okay? He's my friend and all but I don't trust him. He's famous, don't forget about that. I don't want to see you hurt." He puts his hand on mine.

"We"re not dating, so I won't. We'll never date. But I do need to talk to him now. He shouldn't tell people stuff!" Killian laughs and follows me.

He lets me enter their flat and I pound on Hero's door.

"Hey hey calm down!" he says when answering. I push him aside and rush in.

"Why the hell did you tell Scott and Killian?"

He's shocked that I know, I can tell.

"I.. we were.. I wasn't.."

"You just told them to keep Killian away, didn't you?" I poke my finger against his chest.

"Yea.. I did." His face hardens. "I didn't want them to think they have a chance."

"We're NOT dating! You can't do stuff like this.. You don't own me!"

"But I want to!" he grabs my wrists and pins them down. I can't move.

"You know you want to be with me," Hero whispers in my ear. I can feel his full lips touching it. "I can feel your pulse quicken and you're breathing is more shallow and faster." Damn it. Stupid body.

"That's just physical attraction. That's not love." I manage to say but my voice chokes and I turn away. He giggles.

"Okay, you win. We're not dating. Yet. Maybe we should give in to the attraction?"

Yes please!

"Won't happen. And now, let go of me!" He doesn't.

"Where and when did Killian tell you anyway?"

"Just now. In the kitchen." I clarify as I see his eyes blazing.

"Okay, the kitchen is fine." I roll my eyes.

"Remember, you don't own me!" I say while leaving.

"Yet!" he says before I close the door.

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