Chapter 54

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I can literally feel my heart break in that exact moment. The air gets knocked out of me and my entire body aches. I drop the dvds and Melany catches the bottle of wine before it hits the floor. The blood is rushing through my body and my vision gets blurry. I can hear noise in my ears, as if I'm holding a seashell against them. The tears sting in my eyes and without saying a word I run back to my room before I completely faint or start crying in front of her and Megan. When entering my flat I stumble and fall down. I stay on the floor. Nothing matters anymore. Hero just completely destroyed my world. I might as well stay on the floor and die. Lizzie comes running through the kitchen door.

"Charlotte! Are you okay?" She kneels down next to me and looks into my eyes. "Oh my god.. what happened?" Killian and Jack come out of Jacks room.

"He told you, didn't he?" Killian asks. Oh my god. What? Killian knew?

"Told her what?" Lizzie yells at him. "Look at her! What did he do?"

"Let's get her into her room first." The three of them get me up and support me all the way to my room as if I'm a child. They place me on the bed and I curl up.

"What's going on Killian?" Lizzie demands.

"I'm not.. I don't.. Charlotte should tell us."

They all look at me. I can't find the words, where there was immense pain at first, there's only numbness now. I can't even cry.

"I think Hero might have told her about his American girlfriend," Killian says with a shaky voice.

"His what?!" Jack yells at him.

"He didn't tell me... She just opened his door." My voice is raw.

"What the fuck?!" Lizzie comes sitting next to me, defeated. "I never expected this.."

"What do you know Killian?" Jack demands.

"He said it was over.."

"Tell us what you know!" Lizzie screams at him.

"Okay okay!" He holds his hands up in defeat. "I walked into the kitchen when Scott and Hero talked about her. Apparently she's the actress in his upcoming film. Scott saw photos of them online and said she was smoking hot so he talked to Hero about her. It was way before Char and Hero even talked to each other. When I realized that Charly was falling for him, I talked to him. I didn't want her to get hurt especially not since I liked her too." He stops talking and collects his thoughts. The pain is back now. So he has been seeing her for ages... He lied to me all this time. He knew what I had been through with Tommy and he didn't care. He kept playing his little game.

"Hero assured me it was over," he continues. "He said he talked to Melany when he was in the States in December. She didn't take it well but Hero swore to me he never loved her. The studio just wanted to create a buzz around them so they started dating. The press and the fans loved it. He seemed very honest when he said he was in love with Charlotte. I believed him but I also told Charlotte to be careful. One time, I saw an interview TMZ had with Melany, it's the one Megan saw too. There was a video and pictures. I knew they must be old since Hero hadn't left Cardiff but I didn't trust him anymore. Megan suspected Charlotte was only a distraction so I warned her again but by then she was hooked. I didn't dare tell her. I told Hero he had to tell her and be honest. I never wanted her to find out like this..." He trails off and stays silent. Lizzie is crying and Jack looks ready to murder someone. "You should have told us!" He scolds.

"I know.." Killian sighs in defeat.

"It's okay Killian. It's not your fault," I say with a raspy voice. I still can't believe this. How could I be so stupid? Why didn't I google Hero? Everything Megan said makes sense now. I should have been more careful, especially after Tommy. "It's my own damn fault. I shouldn't have been this stupid." I start crying again. Lizzie hugs me.

"It's not! He's such a jackass! It breaks my heart to see you like this." Her words make me cry even harder. They all gather around me and hug me.

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