Chapter 32

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I walk to class early. I want to catch up on some reading.

"Woa, you're early!" I say when Hero enters as well.

"This has become my favorite class," he teases. Mike walks in after him.

"You're here early!" he sounds surprised. "I'm not surprised you're here early Charlotte but Hero just shocks me."

Hero laughs. "This is my favorite class."

"Probably not because of me," Mike says with raised eyebrows. "I thought you'd be at the studio since your uncle is in town."

"Oh, I figured I've missed too many classes already. I will go down there after class."

"Well I'm cutting class short today. I'm going to the set. Oh, maybe you can join us Charlotte?"

I must look confused because Hero starts laughing.

"My uncle Joe is in town for a film and we're visiting him on set later. Would you like to join?"

"Oh my god, yes! I love Joseph Fiennes!" I say excited before I realise what I said.

"I'll be sure to tell him," Mike laughs. "Probably isn't fair to only take you..."

"We can take the others next week. Maybe showing up with an entire class unannounced isn't cool," Hero quickly says.

"Hmm.. you're right! We will arrange a trip for them next week."

I'm so excited. A real film set! With Joseph Fiennes! I thought it might be awkward hanging out with Mike outside class but it isn't. We talk all the way to Cardiff Bay.

"Joe!" Mike pats him on the back when we walk in the studio.

"Mike! And Hero, what a surprise! How were the States? How was Me-"

"Fine fine. We'll talk about that when we go to dinner," Hero cuts him off.

"Oh okay. Who's this?"

"This is Charlotte. One of my students. She did the assignment with Hero I talked to you about."

"And she looooves you," Hero teases. I almost slap him but that would make it worse. Joe laughs and pats my shoulder.

"What's not to love ey?" he winks at me. "You probably saw Shakespeare in Love..."

"I did but I liked Killing Me Softly better."

"Thanks! I like that one too! I liked the work you did by the way. Mike and I were talking about that script and we really wanted to make the film. We might use some of the ideas you and Hero had."

"Really? That's so cool!"

"Maybe you could be an assistant!" Joe sounds enthusiastic.

"She's going back to Belgium," Hero says with a soft voice.

"Oh well, we'll arrange the details later!" Mike says. "Good idea by the way!"

Joe leads us around the studio and we actually have a nice time. It's amazing to visit an actual film set.

"Thank you so much for today!" I say to Hero when we walk back to our dorm.

"It's fine. You looked so happy," he says with a small smile.

"I am happy!" I happily say.

"Uncle Joe seemed to like you," he teases.

"He's amazing!"

"Runs in the family." I push him and we start laughing. God he's so easy to hang out with!

"Thank you for the nice day!" I give him a soft kiss on his cheek before entering my flat.

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