Chapter 44

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We walk to the Atrium and our classmates and lecturers are there already. We're still walking hand in hand.

"We were about to call you, Hero but now I see you might have been very busy," Lucas says when we catch up with them. Ana and Amy give me broad smiles. I can't help but smile back. I want to share my happiness with everyone.

"Do you want to tell us something?" Mike teases.

"Charlotte and I are together now," Hero says with a shy grin and my heart explodes. I love that he's so open about it. I didn't expect this at all.

"Really? I thought that-" Mike starts but Hero cuts him off.

"Yes, really. Charlotte is my girlfriend." He gives Mike a warning glare and I'm not sure why. It's strange that he would treat Mike like this. Then I remember the conversation I heard between Joseph and Hero and I realize Mike must know about it too. Joseph obviously wants Hero to be free and concentrate on his career. Maybe he told Mike to keep an eye on him? Without another word about it, we get in the cars and drive to Roath for the film. I'm starting to feel nervous. This is Hero's world. Not mine. Still, if I want to work in film it will be my world too so I might as well get used to it. It's not even Hero's premiere anyway. I can't even imagine going to one of his. When we walk out of the cars there's some press there. I try to take Hero's hand but he jerks away. I look at him, confused. What? Hero acts like nothing's wrong and he poses for the press like he's used to. They all want to ask him questions about his upcoming film. Sometimes it's so easy to forget that he's so famous. He seems so normal. No one is interested in the rest of us so we walk inside where the reception is going on. I take a glass of champagne from the waiter and ignore Hero when he joins us again. I avoid his gaze. I thought we were done with these kind of games.

"What's wrong?" He whispers in my ear with a firm grip on my wrist.

"So I am your girlfriend just not for everyone?" I hiss back.

"You can't seriously be pissed about that."

"Let go." I try to jerk away but I can't. I give him a warning glare. I don't want to cause a scene but I want him to let go.

"Everything okay?" Joseph asks with a look on my wrist when he joins us. He's frowning.

"Everything is perfect," I smile and seize the opportunity to free myself from Hero's grip.

"Hero, can I talk to you for a second?" Joseph asks and he doesn't take no for an answer. Hero follows him reluctantly. From a distance I can see that they're having a heated discussion. I walk away to join Ana and Amy.

"I need to talk to you," Hero whispers in my ear. I don't want to. He gently takes me by the elbow and takes me to the bar as if we're ordering another drink. I do order another drink.

"A red wine, please." I smile to the bartender.

Joseph is watching us like a hawk.

"I'm sorry," he says. "I just... the press is.. I want to protect you from it. They can be ruthless and they will write loads of nonsense about us, about you. I can't put you through that." He looks so honest when he says this that I completely believe him.

"Are you sure that's all it is?"

"I want to keep you for myself." He gives me my favorite grin.

"Okay, I'm sorry too." I look up to him and I smile too.

"You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now," he says and my heart explodes. I'm beaming. We join the others and it's so hard not to touch Hero. I want to touch him all the time. When we enter the cinema, Hero sits next to me. Joseph joins him and I get the feeling he doesn't want to leave us alone.

As soon as they dim the lights, Hero's hand slides over my leg and I cuddle up to him. It's hard to concentrate on the film when his hand is sliding up and down my leg. I'm also very aware of Joseph's gaze.

"Shh, stop!" I whisper in his ear when his hand reaches too high. I get a familiar feeling inside. He's turning me on and he knows it.

"I can't wait until we get home," he whispers back but stops sliding over my thigh. He takes my hand instead. Immediately the butterflies in my stomach are out of control. I love how these small things make me happy. I used to make fun of people who acted like this. I thought it was only a fantasy movies created. With a smile I realize I'm now one of those silly, happy girls.

"Why are you smiling?" Hero whispers.

"Because of you."

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