Chapter 63

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I stare at him and I don't know how to respond to that. Do I even want this? Months ago I would have given anything just to hear those words but now, after Hero, I'm not sure how to react.


"You heard me, Lottie."

"Don't call me that and you hurt me remember? You made it perfectly clear that you didn't have any feelings for me."

"I.. was wrong. None of the girls are like you. You're unique. You get me and you have the patience to deal with me, I see that now. She just wasn't you so it could never work." People are starting to enter the stadium and pretty soon his friends and mine will arrive.

"Can we just meet? Just the two of us like we used to and just talk." I look at him and he has a begging look on his face. There's so much history there. I owe it to the both of us to meet him.

"Okay, fine. Just text me," I say before walking away. I'm not sure what will happen but I'm eager to find out what he has to say. I've waited so long to hear his explanation.

My friends find me at our spot. They hand me a beer.

"Charly! When are you coming back?! We miss you!" Steven says. He takes his seat next to me.

"Don't worry. I'm definitely moving back!" I smile. It feels so good to be home surrounded by friends. "So, what did I miss?" They fill me in about everything. When the game starts, we start cheering. That's what I love about football, we're all united and cheer for the same. I get so caught up in the game that I forget about everything for a while. The knot in my stomach disappears.

After the game we walk to our favorite bar.

"Guess who's back!" Steven yells when we walk in. Everyone turns around to watch us and starts cheering. I'm pretty sure my face turns red and I give Steven an angry look. We take our usual spot at the corner of the bar. I spot Matthy on the other side of the bar, right next to Tommy. Great. I wave at him and he smiles at me. Jolene and the boys start a conversation about the game and my thoughts go to Hero. What is he doing right now? Is he fucking Melany? I shake my head. I can't think about that. Hero is free to do whatever he wants to do. Still, I'm jealous. I miss him. I miss the way he tasted and the way he touched me.

"Earth to Char!" Jolene waves her hand in front of me. "Another round of beers?" I nod and smile. I came home to get away from Hero. I should stop thinking about him. I try my best to keep the conversation going. I need to take my mind off Hero and I definitely have to take my mind off Tommy. I know he's staring at me the whole time.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Jolene whispers. "Why is that prick staring at you. God, I hate him. I want to punch his stupid face." I start laughing. Jolene always hated Tommy, even before it all happened.

"Calm down. I saw him before the game. He wants to meet."

"Why?! You're not seriously going are you?!"

"He misses me."

"Charlotte! Please tell me you're not stupid enough to believe that!"

"And why not?"

"You had a crush on him for years! He never returned your feelings. He used you for sex. He told you he didn't have any feelings for you at all!" I don't say anything. Ouch.

"Do I need to go on? He probably doesn't have a girl left and that's why he's turning to you now. He's just jealous because of Hero-"

"Okay okay! I get it!" I cut her off with my hands in the air.

"Do you though? You have awful judgement when it comes to Tommy."

"I just want to hear what he has to say."

"If you ever believe that dumbass again, I won't talk to you anymore. I've picked you up every time he hurt you."

"I won't. Calm down." But I'm not so sure I can keep that promise.

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