Chapter 11

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It's still early so Glam isn't full of people yet. We find a nice spot at the bar and order some drinks. We're trying to get Lizzie to dance. She needs to forget about Killian and Megan.

A while later we run into Stefan.

"Oh here you are! You should join us in the VIP section upstairs. It's awesome!" I laugh because he's so excited. Lizzie and Jack want to go, so I follow. Our flatmates and some of Hero's friends are seated in two booths. We slide in his.

"Here's my girl!" Scott says and puts his arm around me. "Want to dance again?" He has a broad smile on his face.

"Nope, I'm good." I say. Scott fake pouts.

"It's not even the right kind of music," I smile at him.

"Why? Do you need to be drunk to dance like you did yesterday? Or can't you pull it off twice?" Hero leans over the table and looks at me.

"Why don't you do it?" I say a lot braver than I feel. The boy next to Hero starts laughing.

"Hero doesn't dance!" Some of the others laugh too. Hero is still staring at me. I wish I could read him. I'm usually really good with people and I can read them. It frustrates me that he's a blank page to me.

"Okay. Fair enough. Let's go then," Hero says dead serious and tries to slide out of the booth. For a minute there I'm frozen. What? Why? How? When he pops his eyebrow up I man up. I'm an adult woman. I have danced with many guys in my life. I can do this. As if planned, Despacito comes on. Hero's friends start whistling and laughing. But the sounds fade when Hero looks into my eyes and pulls me closer, my body against his. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my hips. It's amazing how well we dance together. My body responds to his movements immediately. I let myself go completely and get lost in our sensual dance. Our bodies are drawn to each other like magnets. His hands move all over my body, leaving a tingly feeling. As soon as the song ends, he spins me around so I face him again. I'm out of breath and him staring into my eyes just makes it worse. Without a word, he goes over to the booth again. I'm still not sure what happened.

"Wow," Lizzie whispers when I slide in next to her. "That was intense." Indeed it was. Too bad Hero ignores me for the rest of the night.

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