Chapter 23

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(Hey guys! I just want to say thank you to everyone who has voted/read this story/commented/added this story to a reading list. Please keep voting and spreading the story! It means so much to me so thank you!! xx)

It's impossible to keep on sitting up straight. After about half an hour I relax and sit more comfortable. I can tell Hero is relaxing too. It must have been hard to face us after last night but my friends don't mention it. We all joke around during the film. After the first film Killian decides to use me as a pillow and puts his head on my lap.

"Aahh this is better!" He sighs. I can feel Hero tense beside me and I look at him. He looks pissed and I smile at him. I don't know what's going on with him but I'm enjoying this marathon way too much and I don't want him to leave.

"Do you need a pillow as well?" I try to bring the casual mood back.

"No thanks." He keeps staring at the screen.

After about half an hour I feel him scoot closer to me. Our arms are pressed against each other now and our hands are inches away under the blanket. I have trouble concentrating on the film. His hand moves closer and touches mine. He hooks his pinky around mine and my heart rate picks up immediately. I move my pinky slightly to let him know it's okay. He has a broad smile on his face and I have trouble keeping my smile off mine.

After we finish the second film we order pizza.

"Oh god! I just got a text from this girl in my class asking me to meet for drinks," Stefan says. We all tease him about this date.

"Seriously guys! What do I say? Is it too eager if I text back straight away?" He directs his question to Hero.

"What are you looking at me for?!" Hero asks him and takes a bite.

"You're such a womanizer. I need help!" He sounds desperate. "Girls don't like me. I always end up in the friendzone!"

"Just text the poor girl back and meet her."

"Okay, let me just dress up and go to Tesco to buy some flowers." He looks so serious when he says it that we all start laughing.

"Way too much!" Hero manages to say.

When Stefan is gone, Killian takes his seat in the cosy chair, leaving Hero and me on the floor. About half an hour in the third film, he cuddles up to me and puts his head gently on my shoulder sending electricity through my body again. After a brief hesitation I put my head on his. Damn, his hair smells amazing. For the first time since our assignment together I feel like we can be friends.

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