Chapter 45

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After the film we're expected at the afterparty. Everyone wants a piece of Hero even though he isn't the most famous person there but he is the world's newest heartthrob. It must be so annoying but he's as charming as ever. We don't have a lot of time together but I get it now. This is who he is and I need to respect that. I've never been a person who loves being in the spotlight anyway. I meet a lot of interesting people but I'm actually glad when we can go home.

"I'm so happy we'll be alone soon," Hero whispers in my ear causing goosebumps and I shiver. Hero laughs. "I love the effect I have on you." I'm looking forward to that too! I can't believe myself to be honest. I've never cared much about sex but since I've met Hero it's on my mind almost all the time.

The others agree to go to the pub but we excuse ourselves. They all have a smug smile on their face but I don't care.

"You sure you don't want to go out with the others?" He says as we walk back to our flat.

"I'm sure. I just want to be alone with my man," I look up to him with a smile on my face. His green eyes look right into mine and it's as if I suddenly got wings. I feel so light and happy.

"I like it when you call me that."

"Call you what? My man?"

"Yeah.. I want everyone to know you're mine. I'd tell the world if I could."

"Do you mean that?"


"Then that's enough for me. You don't need to tell the world. I like our little love bubble to be honest."

"I'm telling my mum though. I want her to know about you." We've arrived at the elevator and too late I notice Megan is already in there. Damn it. I'd rather walk those 7 floors. She has a smug and evil smile on her face.

"Ohh, did I tell you about the article I read on TMZ today?" She asks her friend.

"I didn't know you could read. But no one is interested in gossip." Hero snaps at her. I'm surprised. What did she do to provoke him like that? We arrive at our floor and Hero takes my hand to drag me away from Megan as fast as he can. Maybe I should check TMZ out to see what the hell is going on.

"I want you in my room tonight and I want to wake up next to you this time," Hero whispers in my ear while pushing me against the door. I forget all about TMZ.

"I'm loving that dress," he says when we're in his room. "I want to fuck you in it." My blood is boiling immediately and I can feel the effect of his words in my stomach. He presses me against the wall and kisses me. His kiss is demanding and eager. My heartrate picks up and my breathing is shallow.

"I love the effect I have on you," he whispers with a hoarse voice. His hand slides over my thigh, under my dress and in my panties. Woa, he's in a hurry.

"You're so wet already," he breathes against my neck. I'm panting and nothing has even happened yet.

"It's crazy how you affect me," I whisper.

"Can I fuck you in this dress?"

"Yes please." He pulls me up and I wrap my legs around him. He carries me over to his desk while we're lost in a wild kiss. He places me on the desk and slowly takes off my panties. He leaves me alone for a second to take a condom and I whimper. I need him, now. He takes off his pants and slides the condom on. I wrap my legs around him while I'm still on the desk and I can feel him enter me. The previous times we had sex he took it slow and he was so sweet. Now he's wild and demanding. I can't say I hate it though. I wrap my hands around his broad shoulders and arms while he picks up the speed, causing me to moan. His hands are on my hips.

"Oh fuck," he growls. "I need you so bad baby." His words push me over the edge and I whisper his name as I come. That's enough to make him come too. Minutes after, we're still panting on the desk. Hero's head is on mine and mine is against his chest. His heart is beating so fast.

"That was... Wow." He says out of breath.

"I know. Damn."

"I hated that I couldn't touch you all night. It was driving me crazy."

"I could tell." I smile. He breaks our hug to look at me.

"I didn't hurt you did I?"

"You definitely didn't."

"Seems like you liked it." He says with a grin.

'I did," I admit blushing. He gently gets me off the desk.

"Here put my shirt on to sleep in. I want you in my bed." Smiling I take off my dress and his eyes widen. I put on his shirt. It smells like him.

"Damn, that's sexy." He lays down on his bed wearing only boxers.

"That's hot too," I smile while sitting next to him. He wraps his arms around me and puts my head on his chest. He smells my hair.

"God, I can never get enough of this smell. And of you." He says with an earnest voice. My heart explodes. I wish we could stay here forever, just the two of us.

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