Chapter 50

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Hero strokes my hair for a while to calm me down. I'm taking deep breaths. Telling this story made me relive all the raw emotions. That I was able to tell Hero about Tommy is a sign that I completely trust him. This is one of the most traumatic things that happened to me and I don't tell the story often because once people know your weakness they can use it against you. I now know Hero will never do that. I trust him with my secrets and with my heart.

"I trust you, you know," I break the silence. "It took a lot to tell you about Tommy. Truth to be told, I never thought I would tell you."

"I know. Thank you for telling me. Thank you for trusting me." He places a kiss on my head.

"We probably should get going." I say and I look up to Hero. His eyes are like bright stars in a dark night sky. They look at me full of love and I'm grateful that this boy loves me like I love him. It took a while to let him in but I'm thankful I did. I start gathering our things and I get up. Hero is very quiet.

"Are you okay? Are you still upset because he texted me? Because I didn't reply and I'm not going to."

"No, I'm not mad. Really. I'm just so sorry that this happened to you. I had no idea."

"That's okay. It's not your fault. Besides, if it wouldn't have happened I wouldn't have come here and I wouldn't have found you." I give him a smile.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He places a soft kiss on my lips before we walk back to the dorms.

"I just need to make a quick phone call," Hero says when we arrive at our flats. I'm a bit sulky that he's leaving me when I'm so emotional but I'm just being silly. The boy has a life beside me! I give him a kiss and enter my flat. Jack and Lizzie are just exiting the kitchen.

"Char, are you okay? You look like you have been crying." Lizzie walks over to me and gives me a hug.

"I have."

"What's wrong? What did Hero do?"

"Hero didn't do anything. It's just that my past has caught up with me." They look confused. "Let's go to my room. I'll tell you." I feel like telling Hero changed something. I've been holding this inside for so long and I feel like he broke the lock to my secret and now it's pouring outside of me. I tell them my story and I can't stand the look of pity on their face. Telling it for a second time is easier. I don't have the urge to cry and the knot in my chest isn't as tight. I actually feel liberated.

"Oh god.. I had no idea," Lizzie says while putting her arms around me. Jack joins in on the hug too.

"I'm fine, really. It was just a bit of a shock to get a text from him I suppose."

"Will you reply?" Jack asks.

"No, never."

"But you'll see him again when you go back?"

"I probably will... I'm going back home for Easter so I'll probably see him then. One of our mutual friends is throwing a birthday party."

"You should slap him. And show a picture of you and Hero!" Lizzie says with a warrior face.

"You should take Hero with you!" Jack says. Not a bad idea actually. I want Hero to meet my friends and family.

"I like the way you think Jack." I smile and I'm so grateful for them. I never expected to find friends like this In Cardiff. Lizzie opens my door when Hero knocks.

"We have to go, we're meeting Lizzie's brother for drinks and dinner," Jack says while giving me a final hug. Lizzie hugs Hero.

"Did I miss something?" He asks confused.

"Thank you for taking care of my baby!" She chirps. Hero is a bit shy.

"You're welcome," he mumbles as they leave.

"Okay, I was thinking pizza and a movie?" He suggests when we're alone.

"Oh you know me too well!" I happily say. Hero orders our pizza's and I get to pick the movie.

"Can we watch something scary?"

"I adore you for suggesting that! I'm done with romantic movies for a while!" Hero sighs in relief. He takes off his shirt and jeans and takes his position on my bed.

"So mister, I guess you won't be going downstairs to get the pizza when it arrives?"

"Nope, your turn!" He gives me a cocky smile.

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