Chapter 31

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When I wake up I'm confused. Where am I? Oh yeah.. images of last night flash through my mind. I open my eyes again and Hero's head is on my stomach. Damn it. Why did I fall asleep? I should've left. I'm sure he didn't want me to sleep over. I wiggle myself from under him. I need to leave before he wakes up. I manage to get up without waking him and gather my clothes as fast as I can. I sneak out without anyone seeing my walk of shame. Yep, that's uni life.

I make a coffee and go to my room. I need a shower. The shower feels good. I stay under it much longer than necessary. I put a towel around my hair and around my body and I turn the heat up in my room. Someone is pounding on the flat door. I'm hoping someone will answer it since I'm only wearing a towel. I sigh when I realise no one does. I open the door and there's a very angry Hero standing there.

"Where the fuck were you? And why are you answering the door wearing this?" His voice is way too loud. I don't want anyone to know what happened.

"Shh!" I grab his shirt and drag him back into my room.

"What's the problem?" The confusion must show on my face.

"I woke up and you were gone. Why?"

"Why would I stay? I thought you didn't want me to. It makes a one night stand just more awkward doesn't it?"

"What? That's what I am to you? A one night stand? You just wanted to have sex with me?" He looks so... hurt?

"No, you're my friend obviously... we just had a good time."

"I don't want to be just friends." What? I'm not sure what to say.

"Didn't you hear me? I don't want to be just your friend. I told you last night... I never let girls on my room. Ever. And I never have a sleepover." Hero says when I don't answer.

"Hero... I can't do this." I go sit on my bed and he comes sitting next to me. The look on his face is definitely hurt this time.


"I don't want a relationship. That's not why I came here. I'm leaving again in a couple of months, you know that. And I'm older than you. You'll end up getting bored of me and hurting me." And I don't trust him. Then again, I don't trust men in general.

"I won't..."

"Can we please just be friends?"

"We were never just friends, I think you know that. But okay, let's try it your way then." He sighs in defeat. "Can I ask you one thing?"

"Yeah sure."

"Two actually. Don't ever open the door half naked again and please don't let Killian stay in your room. It'll piss me off." I laugh.

"Okay, if you never let Megan in yours or go into hers."

"Agreed. So now, please get dressed. Your towel is distracting me!" I laugh and walk to my bathroom. Who knew Hero and I would ever be friends.

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