Chapter 61

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I mostly stay in my room on Wednesday and Thursday. Hero hasn't tried to contact me and I'm not trying to either. I can't believe I was ready to talk to him and maybe give him a chance. I'm not sure if I'll come back here. It's too hard, now more than ever. I wish Melany didn't show me the photos.

Lizzie, Jack and Killian come to my room on Thursday night to say goodbye.

"Ready for some time at home?" Lizzie smiles as she sits down on the bed.

"I am." I haven't told them I might not return. I probably won't if I'm honest. I don't want to be around Hero.

"You are coming back though right?" Jacks asks. Damn it, he knows me so well.

"I don't know," I admit. "I really don't. It's too hard to stay here and I'm afraid I won't have the strength to return once I'm home."

"Don't go?" Lizzie suggests.

"I'm definitely going." I don't want to talk about this. I want to enjoy our time together.

We end up having a good night and when they leave the goodbye is hard.

"I will miss you," Lizzie whispers when she hugs me. Tears sting in my eyes again. I will miss them so much! My friends.. my family abroad.

"When are you going?" Killian asks.

"I'm taking the five am bus to Heathrow and my plane to Brussels is at eleven."

"Have a nice trip, Char." He hugs me and they leave. I wonder if I'll see them again.

I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't. At four am I get dressed and check my things. I look around my room, it might be the last time. I'll just send someone to pick up my stuff. When the door locks behind me it seems so final. I try to be strong when I walk away. Cardiff is very quiet on a Friday morning. I smile, tomorrow around this time it will be full of people. It's a cold spring morning and I wonder what Belgium will be like. I'm the first one to arrive at the bus station so I get to pick the best seat. Some others join me.

"Charlotte?" No, it can't be! My heart drops when I recognize his voice. I turn around slowly and there he is. The boy of my dreams, the one who got me to fall in love. His green eyes are very sad. I still haven't replied. I'm too busy memorizing everything about him. I won't see him again.

"Charlotte, please," he begs.

"Why are you here?" In the corner of my eye I see the bus enter the bus station.

"I don't want you to go. I want you to stay here so we can work this out."

"I need to go home."

"Will you come back?"


"Killian said you won't return. Please stay. I love you!" He takes my head in his hands and presses his lips against mine. Oh god, I've missed this. I open my lips for him and his tongue finds mine. It's a hungry kiss. We have missed each other. I'll never forget his taste. For a moment I completely forget about everything. Us, that's the only thing that matters. Hero and me.

"Miss, are you coming?" The bus driver asks.

"Um, yes. This is my bag." He takes it.

"Stay! Please just stay with me!" Hero's eyes are full of tears and it breaks my heart.

"I can't," I whisper. "I'm sorry." He grabs my arms and presses his lips against mine for one last kiss. I gently push him away.

"Please!" he yells while the tears are running down his face. I'm crying too.

"I can't. Melany showed me the photos and videos."

"Come back to me!" He screams when I turn around and enter the bus.

"Stay," his voice is only a whisper now. I turn around and look at him when the doors close. I sob when the bus drives away from the boy I love so much.

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