Chapter 80

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I feel a bit of jealousy coming up and I tell Sam that I won't watch the next scene, I tell him I need to have a talk with our make-up artist. It's stupid, we casted Lola as Catherine because she and Hero have amazing chemistry but I guess I'm scared that the on screen chemistry will turn into something real. I know Stefanie is smoking in front of the shop so I walk to the garden and sit against a tree. I need some time alone. I lean back and close my eyes. I concentrate on my breathing.

"There you are!" Lizzie says and she walks over with two coffees in her hand. "You look really tired!"

"I know and it's only day two!"

"The film probably isn't the only reason you're tired," she replies with a grin. I don't meet her eyes but just stare at the grass. How does she even now? Is it that obvious?

"It's very stressful to make a film." I dodge her question. I'm such a coward.

"Yes, I see that but I guess you've found a good way to relax!" She starts laughing.

"Why do you know me so well?" I ask her with a frown.

"Oh it was obvious the minute we walked in! You both had this silly smile on your face."

"We're just friends..." She looks at me, one eyebrow popped up. "With benefits."

"Ha! I knew it! Are you sure you're able to be just friends with benefits?"

"Well, yes. We talked about it and it's really up to us to make the rules isn't it?"

"If you say so." I can tell by her tone that she's not convinced. But I'm determined to make this work. I'm leaving soon and I want to be with Hero until I leave. I'm just addicted to the boy.

When I walk in Sam and our sound man have a discussion which causes us to fall behind even more.

"Okay, that's it! Both of you, come with me. James, you need to hear this too!" It's time to be the boss around here, if I don't there's no way we'll finish this. "The rest of you can take a ten minute break." I look in Hero's direction and he winks at me. I bite back a smile.

"Right, guys, you need to sort out the scenes before we start shooting. We can't fall behind more than we have now." All three men start arguing and it take about half an hour before we have a solution. It takes a lot of yelling and debating. Finally I decide I'll be around all the time and I have the final word. We return to set and start shooting a new scene. This time, I'm more involved and they all listen to me.

I'm in the kitchen pouring a coffee when I feel two arms around me.

"It's turning me on that you're so bossy," Hero whispers in my ear. "All those men, listening to you."

"Shh, someone might walk in."

"No, they're shooting, remember? We're alone."

"Are we now?" I turn around with a smile on my face. He presses me against the counter and kisses me. His warm lips feel good against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and he's getting hard. "Someone is excited," I say with my lips still against his. He smiles.

"I'm pretty sure you're too." His hands slips under my dress and he finds my sensitive spot. I start moaning. The thought that someone might walk in turns me on even more. I unzip his pants and take him out.

"I like this sneaking around," he says out of breath. To my surprise, we both finish quite quick. After we both have an intense orgasm, he wraps his arms around me, hugs me and sniffs my hair.

"You smell so good. I've missed this smell." He plants a kiss on my forehead and rests his chin on top of my head. "I wish we could stay like this forever." I really hope he doesn't read more into this than it really is: just sex. We just stand there for a while and then we hear Sam yell 'cut!'. We're both startled and I push him off me. Only a second before they all walk in, Hero manages to sort out his clothes. Damn, that was close. Lizzie and Jack both have a knowing smile on their face though and I hope no one notices. 

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