Chapter 72

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(Thank you guys so much for all the sweet comments & the likes! Some of you have been commenting since the start, thanks!! Means the world to me! <3 V.)

Sam is thrilled to meet Hero and for a while they talk about upcoming projects and mutual friends. I remind them that we have little time and they finally start talking about the film. I'm so excited to do this!

"Hero, before the auditions I would like to rehearse some scenes. That way we can find the perfect actress."

"Yeah sure, I have read the script and I have some ideas for Rob's character." I make some notes while Hero and Sam discuss their view on Rob. Rob is going to be such a heartthrob. I smile at the thought of that because that would make Hero the perfect choice for the job. I'm happy that they get along.

"Okay, Hero you are Rob, Charlotte can you play Catherine? It would help Hero and me. I want Hero to know what to do during auditions." I look up in horror. What?! We didn't talk about this. I must have heard it wrong.

"Don't look so shocked sweetheart. You want this film to be perfect, don't you?" I nod and swallow.

"Perfect! I'll give you a minute to read the scenes we talked about." I stare at the script but I can't see the words. I know the scenes by heart. They're all romantic ones. We wanted to see the chemistry between Hero and the actress because the story of Rob and Catherine is a love story. My heart drops.

"Let's start with the scene where Rob is trying to convince Catherine that they should be together. Charlotte, you walk away during the fight and Hero, you pull her back against you while trying to convince her." It's a great scene and a great idea but I wish I wasn't the one to play Catherine during rehearsals. Hero obviously knows the scene by heart and doesn't need the script. My fist clenches mine because suddenly nerves and anticipation rush through my veins. Sam installs the camera while Hero and I take our positions. We start the scene and Hero is very convincing as Rob. When I walk away I feel his firm grip around my wrist when he pulls me back against his chest. This brings back so many memories. When I look up I actually try to fight the tears welling up in my eyes. Hero looks down at me and pushes a string of hair behind my ear.

"Great great! Amazing move with the hair Hero! Nice improvisation!" I'm not sure if that was acting though because Hero is startled when Sam speaks as if he has forgotten Sam is here.

"Now Hero, when you have pulled her against you and you push the hair behind her ear, try stroking her cheek gently while saying she belongs with you," Sam continues as if he hasn't noticed it. "I think that would be strong on screen." Hero nods. I can see him transform into Rob. We start the scene again. I yell at him, walk away and he pulls me against his chest. I can feel his heart racing. He probably can feel my pulse too. I'm surprised my heart isn't jumping out of my chest. I look up and he pushes my hair back again. It's such an intimate gesture. He takes my head in his strong hands and gently strokes my cheek with his thumb. I look into those deep eyes and see a reflection of his soul. I feel more connected to him than ever before. I was never able to read his eyes. I close my eyes for a second and enjoy the feeling of his hands on my face. I open them again.

"We belong together, Charlotte," he says with his thick English accent and fire in his eyes. We just stand there staring at each other. After a while Sam coughs as if to remind is he's still here. We both return to the present.

"Uhhm.. that was great but her name is Catherine," he says in a weak voice, obviously embarrassed.

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