Chapter 69

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I run back to my room, my heart pounding in my chest. What the fuck was I thinking?! Well, I know what I was thinking... My hormones were all over the place. It's that damn room and the memories it's holding. I lock my door and rest my head against it. I try to control my breathing and calm down. I need something or someone to distract myself while shooting this damn film. Am I really still in love with Hero or am I just addicted to him?

I look up from the essay I was writing because there's a knock on the door.

"Hey Char! I want to throw a party tonight. Can I use our kitchen?" Scott asks.

"Yeah sure," I smile.

"Okay, starts at 9 pm. You're invited!" He winks at me and leaves. Yes, a party is exactly what I need! I text Killian, Lizzie and Jack and invite them in my room for some pre-drinking. I look at my essay about Shutter Island and the comparison to German Expressionism and decide I've done enough for the day.

I wasn't in the mood for a dress so I'm just wearing a ripped jeans, a tank top and stiletto's. We all sit on the floor in my room and enjoy a round of tequila. This will be an interesting night because tequila makes Jack completely drunk in no time. Exactly what I need. As soon as we hear the music, we head to the kitchen. Scott and his friends are already there. Some of his friends are a bit creepy though and the girls definitely need to wear more clothes.

"Charlotte! Let me introduce you to my best friends!" He takes my hand and takes me to some boys on the sofa. They all look very muscular.

"Boys, this is my roommate Charlotte," Scott announces with a broad smile.

"Lucky," one of them says and takes a drag of his joint. The look he gives me is making me uncomfortable and I'm happy I decided to wear jeans. I can feel his eyes scan my entire body. After they all made some sexual comments I tell them I need a drink and walk to my friends.

"You've made quite an impression there," Killian nods to the boys.

"Ugh, they are so creepy!" I take the drink he's offering me. "Let's avoid them please!"

Unfortunately we couldn't. Scott kept asking to join them so we had no choice but to sit on the floor next to the sofa. The boys continue to make dubious comments but the girls that came with them seem to like it. Suddenly the girls in front of me start to bat their lashes in a ridiculous way and smile. I turn around and see Hero heading our way. Nooo.

"Hey guys!" Hero casually sits down next to the girls, right in front of me. I stare at the drink I'm holding. I can't look at him. The girls start giggling. Great, exactly what I need. Killian puts his hand on my knee to comfort me. I can handle this, I'm a strong, independent woman. I look up and see Hero look at Killian's hand. There's a frown on his face that disappears as he looks to the girl closest to him and smiles. I remember the early days when he used to smile to every girl like that. I was so jealous because he never smiled to me that way. It doesn't make any sense to be jealous now but I am. I know what it feels like to have his lips all over my body and I'm sure the girls want to feel the same. They don't know him though, they only see the fame. They don't know how cute he looks when he's asleep. They don't know how good his body feels.

"You okay?" Lizzie whispers and I'm so glad she doesn't know the dirty thoughts I had just now. I start blushing.

"Yeah, just getting another drink." I get up and one of Scott's friends begs me to stay. It seems to annoy Hero when I reassure him I'll be back soon.

I can't decide what to drink. I wish we had some beer or wine.

"That looked cozy," Hero says from behind me. Startled, I turn around.

"What did?"

"Killian's hand on your leg." I can tell he's angry.

"Oh, you and the blonde seemed pretty cozy as well." The jealousy in my voice is clear.

"Why did you kiss me?" He chooses to ignore my comment.

"I.. I'm sorry. It shouldn't have happened and I shouldn't confuse you."

"So it didn't mean anything?" His eyes are cold and his voice is hard.

"Hero..."I whisper. He doesn't reply but walks back to our crowd and gives the blonde his sexiest smile. Damn, it will be one of those nights. Well, if he can play it like this, so can I.

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