Chapter 66

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I didn't hear from Tommy the next day but I didn't expect to. He never truly loved me, I was his safety net. He was desperate, he didn't think he would ever find love and he held on to me like a drowning man to a raft. I know now that I did the same. I have experienced real love and it wasn't with Tommy. I needed this confrontation though. I feel stronger and I'm happy we finally talked. I can move on now.

I take a deep breath before entering our building. It makes me smile, this is exactly what I did when I first got here. So much has happened since then, I'm definitely not the same, wounded girl. I'm so nervous, I feel like I might pass out. I sure hope that Melany is gone. I can deal with Hero but I'm sure I won't be able to deal with her. I haven't told any of my friends of my return. I was afraid I might chicken out before I boarded my flight. I didn't. There are voices coming from our kitchen so I assume they're in there. I take another deep breath and push the door open. The voices are silent in a heartbeat and then there is screaming.

"Charlotte! You're back!" Lizzie yells before jumping on top of me. While hugging her I look around and I see Hero standing in the corner, his jaw dropped and his eyes wide. Damn it, I still can't read him. His expression is blank. Jack and Killian both hug me too. Hero stays in his corner like a frightened animal. Or an angry one?

"Of course I'm back! We need to make a film remember?"

"I'm sooo happy you're back! Can we please have a girls night?!" Lizzie's broad smile makes me laugh. She's so sweet and I have missed her.

"Yes please!" I answer. She claps her hands from excitement. Hero still hasn't said anything and Killian is looking at him with a concerned frown.

"Hi," I say with a soft voice. I look at the floor because I can't bear looking him in the eyes. It's as if all the air is sucked out of the room. Everyone is silent.

"Hey." He finally says after a deafening silence. I'm not sure what to say, my friends stare at each other.

"There she is!" Scott walks in and the awkward situation is gone. "Couldn't miss me eh?"

"I admit it, you're right," I say with a serious voice and a dramatic hand gesture. Everyone starts laughing. Thank god Scott walked in. Still, Hero and I need to talk but I don't want to do this in front of everyone. We all gather around the sofa and Scott starts telling a story about two girls he had sex with last week who turned out to be sisters.

"We need to talk," Hero whispers. I'm startled because I didn't notice that he moved closer to me.

"Yes," I agree with a soft voice. "I'd rather not do it now. I don't want the others to speculate. Can we meet tomorrow?"

"Let's meet at our spot." I nod and he moves away. The memories of our spot come back to me. The happy days in Bute Park seem so far away now. I can't believe we were ever that happy. The memories bring back such a happy feeling that it physically hurts. I swallow and try to concentrate on Scott's story.

"Okay boys," Lizzie says with a fake stern voice. "I'm stealing her away now!" I say goodbye to the boys and she drags me to my room.

"Unpack your stuff. I'm getting face masks, wine and Disney films. I'm back in a sec!" I smile and start unpacking.

"I have a present for you," I say when she's back. I point out the chocolate on my bed.

"Oh my god! Belgian chocolate?!"

"Yes, it's your favorite flavor too."

"Best night ever!" We put on the face masks and enjoy a glass of rosé wine while watching Pocahontas.

"How was Belgium?" She takes a large bite of her chocolate bar.

"It was... nice. It felt good to be home."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that you're back but why did you come back?"

"I can't keep running, Lizzie." I sigh. "I left because I wanted to escape from my broken heart and I can't keep doing that."

"Did you see Tommy?"

"I did. We had some dates but I realized that I didn't truly love him. I had feelings for him, yes, but what I felt for Hero was so different."

"Felt or feel?" I don't answer that question straight away. I watch Pocahontas spy on John Smith.

"Feel," I admit after some time. "I don't think you ever truly get over your first real love."

"I was worried about that for a second. I thought Tommy might try to get you back."

"He did but he wasn't my first true love and I wasn't his."

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