Chapter 84

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"This makes me very happy," I say smiling with my lips still against his.

"You make me very happy," he simply replies.

We walk back to our flat, holding hands.

"I want you to sleep in my bed tonight," Hero says.

"I have to sleep on set again, remember?"

"Oh, yea, I forgot. Let's get our stuff and head back there. I need you to help me with my lines." He gives me an easy smile and I feel a tug at my heart. It's crazy to be this happy but this time around, I'll cherish it more. When we reach Hero's flat, Megan just walks out. Hero gives me a kiss on the cheek just to annoy her. She opens her mouth as if to say something but then she snaps it shut and takes out her phone, ignoring us. We get his stuff and walk to my room.

"Oh my god!! I knew you were getting back together!" Lizzie squeals. "Didn't I tell you Hero?" She jumps up and down from excitement. Hero starts laughing.

"Yea you did you goof." While I get my stuff, Lizzie talks to Hero. She seems very pleased with herself.

Hero and I are in the shop to rehearse his scenes. Rehearsing together has something intimate, especially when we play some romantic scenes.

"I could get used to this," Hero says when he pulls me against him and wraps his arms around me. "My personal rehearsal partner." I smile and meet his eyes.

"It sure is nice!" I reply.

"I have the best idea!" He suddenly sounds excited. "Why don't you come with me to the States? You can get a job on set. This way you meet some people who could help your career and we could do this every day!" I'm off guard for a second. What? Could this really happen?

"Really?" I try to contain the excitement in my voice.

"Yea! It's perfect! Unless you don't want to?" His smile fades.

"Of course I want to!" I jump into his arms.

"I will arrange the whole thing!"

"Okay, I could get to the States at the end of summer. I want to be at home this summer."

"Oh, okay." Hero's arms fall beside me and he's no longer holding me. Something is wrong.

"Hero, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." But he won't meet my eyes.

"Don't you want me to be on set that long?"

"Of course I do!" He meets my eyes and his voice is strong, eyes blazing. Suddenly, it hits me.

"It's because I'm going away."

"You're the smartest pea in the pot aren't you?"

"Don't be mean." I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him firmly. "I was going to ask you to join me this summer but not when you're mean." His eyes light up immediately.


"Yea you dumb ass. As if I could stand being away from you for two months! Besides, I want you to meet my family and friends!" He gives me my favourite boyish grin and kisses me.

The next couple of days I'm living in this happy dream world. I expect to see unicorns and fairies all day. Filming is going great and Hero is better than ever. His happy mood and great performance gives everyone new energy and we actually manage to end filming more or less on time. Well, we're an hour late but who's counting, right?!

"End, that's officially a wrap!" I announce when Sam yells cut. "Thank you so much everyone for the past two weeks. It's been one hell of a ride. We've had some struggles with timing but we made it!" My cast and crew start clapping. "There are some drinks in the kitchen but I also want to invite everyone to my going away party in two days. We can make it a wrap party too!" There are more cheers and everyone rushes to the kitchen.

"You did it kid," Sam says with a proud tone in his voice.

"Well, not yet. Ben has to edit the film over summer and when I come back in November we could to a screening before I hand it in."

"Sounds like a great plan! Come on, enjoy the moment. You ended filming on your very first, very own film!" He drags me to the counter and hand me a beer. Hero walks over to us.

"You did a great job, Hero!" Sam says with an admiring voice. "It was an honour to be able to work with you."

"Thanks Sam, you did a great job too!"

"So back to the States?"

"Yes, filming starts mid-September. Maybe you can visit us on set one day?"

"It would be an honour! But what do you mean 'us'?"

"Well.." Hero starts a sentence but suddenly stops. "Wait, everyone should hear this!" He stands on top of a box. "Everyone, listen up!" The room is silent and looks at him. "I have some amazing news. I just heard that Charlotte will work on my new film as an assistant!" I look up in surprise. Really?! Oh my god!!! Everyone pats my back and congratulates me.

"Wow, Charlotte, your first paid job in film!" Sam says in awe. All I can do is smile like a goof. This must be one of the happiest moments in my life.

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