Chapter 71

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My hangover the next day isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I walk to the kitchen to prepare some eggs and bacon. I take a sip of my coffee and think about last night. This fight with Hero is consuming all the energy I have. He was so unreasonable last night. What was I thinking? We can't be friends and we can't make a movie together. Hero was right, we were never friends. From the moment we saw each other that first night there was chemistry. We both tried to fight it and everyone thought we hated each other. We were a lot of things but never friends. We're both jealous all the time now. I put my food on a plate and I'm startled when someone walks in. I turn around and I see Jack, Killian and Hero enter. Great. I really don't want to see him or talk to him.

"Hi Jack, Kill."

"Something smells so good," Killian says.

"Ugh I don't want any food," Jack groans. "Fucking tequila." He does look a bit green.

"I have to go, I'll check on you later." I say and leave as fast as I can without looking at Hero.

I saw Hero a lot in the next couple of days. Seems like he spends more time in our flat and with my friends than usual. Every time I see him, I leave instantly. He called me a slut and that really hurt me. Honestly, I don't know what to say to him anymore. We talked about this and we're both lost. We don't know how to be friends or be civilized. I'm dreading class today. It's Mike's class and Hero will be there. I walk in late and Amy is already sitting next to Lucas. I take my seat next to Ana and I'm grateful Hero isn't here. Maybe he'll skip class today? I can feel him enter without looking up. My stupid, traitorous body still reacts to his presence. When he sits down next to me, I don't look at him. We get to work on our own film so I don't have to talk to Hero. He has his own assignment and I can tell he's struggling. Making a schedule is not his thing.

"How are we doing here?" Mike asks.

"I hate this!" Hero snaps. Mike chuckles.

"I thought you would since you prefer acting. Why didn't you ask Charlotte or Ana for help? They're doing great!" Hero mumbles something but Mike isn't listening. He's looking at my work.

"Seems like you're really on top of it Charlotte! Do you have any more questions about the program we're using?" I tell Mike about my short film and I assure him that I understand the program perfectly. When he moves on to Ana, I see Hero open his mouth a couple of times but he doesn't say anything. As soon as class ends I pick up my bag and leave. I decide to walk to my favorite spot to work on my film.

"I thought I might find you here." I was so concentrated on work that Hero's voice startles me. I look up and he shuffles his feet nervously. "Can I sit down?" I nod.

"I'm so sorry Char," he speaks first. "I was a dick."

"Yeah you were."

"I'm really sorry. I was drunk and jealous."

"You hurt me."

"You hurt me too." I look at him. "Listen, you hurt me because you don't want to be with me but the past few days have been hell. I'd rather be around you as your friend than not talk to you at all."

"Do you mean that? Because I feel like we have had this conversation over and over."

"We have but yes, I'll behave and we'll make one hell of a short film." I don't answer because I'm not sure if things will be different this time. "I promise," he says and he puts his hand on mine. I look into his eyes and I can tell he's speaking the truth. Okay, let's do this.

"Okay, thank you." I give him a smile. "I was actually hoping you could join me and Sam tomorrow."

Hero kept his word, he joined me and Sam the next day. If I had known what Sam's plans were I wouldn't have showed up. I can kill Sam for what he's putting is through.

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