Chapter 60

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I'm not sure how I feel about losing Hero. Would I be able to forgive him? I don't need to answer that question now, the look on his face yesterday was the only answer I needed. I still walk around like a zombie when someone tugs at my arm.

"Hey Charly, didn't you hear me?" I look at Killian.

"No, sorry, I.."

"I called your name like ten times!"

"I'm sorry."

"Okay, that's enough. I need to talk to you. Let's take a walk." We walk in silence for a while.

"How have you been?"

"I.. I'm just looking forward to going home," I say with a small voice.

"You look awful so that's why I want to talk to you. I wasn't going to but you deserve the truth and you need every bit of information before you can make up your mind about Hero." I look up to him, confused.


"You know I was with Hero the night it happened, right? I went to see him with Jack. Jack left but I stayed with him all night."

"Why did you stay?"

"I know we had our problems, mostly because of you but he's my friend and he was a mess, Char... I have never seen anyone that heartbroken. Hell, the boy even cried!"

I'm speechless.

"Really?" There's hope in my voice.

"Don't tell him I said that, he would probably kill me but yes, really. I truly believe he's in love with you and he's telling the truth."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you look so broken and Hero is a zombie too. You're both hurting. I know he didn't tell you the truth but he loves you. Maybe you should talk to him. It's up to you but now you know how he feels."

When Killian drops me off at my room, my head is spinning. If Hero can forgive me for what I said the other night, could I forgive him? Will I able to trust him again? I'm not sure how I feel about what Killian told me. I'm not at all sure Hero loves me and that he didn't date Melany but I'm afraid to make a mistake. I don't want to wake up one day and wonder what if...

The next day I decide to do my laundry, I'm leaving on Friday so it's about time. When the machine is busy washing my clothes I rest my head against the wall and close my eyes. I have decided to talk to Hero, I just need the strength to do it. We haven't had a proper talk. I didn't let him explain. I will go to him after I'm finished here. I put my clothes back in my basket and take some deep breaths. He should be back from class by now so I might as well just go up there. I walk through the common room to the elevator when Melany walks in.

"Hey," she smiles.

"Hey," I say with a stern voice, my eyes focused on the elevator.

"Charlotte, listen," she starts and I can't help but turn to her. "I know you hate me but I'm not the bad guy here. Hero and I were in love. Yes, the studio wanted us together but we fell in love. I have millions of private photos and videos. Why would I have those if it was just for fun?" I don't answer and she shows me a slideshow on her phone. They look happy and in love. The photos definitely are private. There even are photos of them in bed!

"I'm sorry," she says. "But you need to know."

"I.. I'm.." I really don't know what to say.

"I will fight for him," she warns me when I enter the elevator. I can't believe this. I was ready to forgive him..

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