Chapter 35

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After thanking him for the millionth time, we finally head to the Motorpoint Arena. Hero shows his ID to the security guard and a lot of girls queueing look at us with a jealous scowl on their face. The security guard escorts us to the backstage and knocks on a door.

"Come in!" I hear someone yell and I know it's Ashton. I pinch myself just to be sure this is real. Hero notices and wraps his hand around mine when we walk in.

"Well well well, if that isn't Prince Charming himself! Always escorted by beautiful women," Calum says before patting Hero on the shoulder.

"Must be the accent," he tells the other band members. "He isn't even that good looking!"

Hero smiles. "Still jealous I see!" We all laugh.

"This must be the birthday girl!" Michael says while hugging me. Hero lets go of my hand and I find myself wishing he didn't.

"Happy birthday!" I'm so star struck. We all are. This isn't real!

"Now you can die in peace," Lizzie sighs while Luke hugs me.

"Why is that?" Calum asks while handing us drinks.

"Luke is all she dreams about!" Lizzie says with a broad smile. Everyone just bursts into laughter. I notice Hero isn't. Meanwhile, I'm as red as my dress. Luke takes my hand and escorts me to the sofa. We have about an hour before the concert starts.

I'm seated between Luke and Hero. I'm loving this!

"Best present ever," I whisper in his ear before placing a small kiss in his cheek. He smells so good and I ignore the urge to kiss him again. He gives me the most gorgeous smile and places his hand on my thigh.

"Anything for you babe," he whispers back. Our lips are way too close and he lingers. I turn away and I see Jolene and Jack looking at us with a curious look on their face.

The concert is everything a 5SOS concert should be and I thank Hero again. We all scream along when Youngblood comes up.

"Wow you're really into them!" Hero screams in my ear. I nod with the broadest smile on my face. This is the best birthday ever! For the first time in a very long time I'm 100% happy again.

"You know, She Looks So Perfect always reminds me of that time you played air guitar during that song on our balcony while only wearing underwear," Jolene laughs.

"What? I wish I could've seen that!" Luke laughs.

"Oooh, you could have. About 200 others did when they left the football stadium next door. The game had just finished so they saw the entire performance." It takes about 10 minutes before everyone is finished laughing. Michael literally is on the floor. I thank the band again.

When we arrive it appears that Hero rented out the entire upper section. The champagne is waiting for us. Hero pops it and hands out glasses to everyone.

"That's a good friend you have there," Jolene whispers in my ear.

"I know right! Best present ever!"

"I don't think he wants to be just friends," she wiggles her eyebrows. "And I really don't get why you don't just go for it! I mean, he's hot and he arranged a meeting with 5 Seconds of Summer for you. He also looks at you the way you look at pizza." I give her a playful push.

"Hero and I talked about this and we're better off being just friends."

"You're not just friends and you know it. It's not fair to not give him a chance. He's nothing like You Know Who. I haven't seen you this happy in months and you have this glow.. All because of him. I'm sure of it." I just take a big sip of my glass and don't answer her. Is she right? Am I being unfair to Hero?

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