Chapter 43

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The next morning I wake up with a grin on my face as the images of last night come to mind. I love waking up with my head on Hero's chest wearing his shirt. I look up to him and he's adorable when he sleeps. He looks so young and peaceful. I can't believe this is the same boy that's famous all over the world, in here it's like no one else exists.

"Stop staring at me," Hero suddenly says when opening his eyes. They're so big and green.

"I can't help it," I grin. "You look adorable!"

"Adorable?! No man wants to be called adorable!" He starts tickling me and while yelling I leave the bed. Hero gets out too and chases me around my tiny room. He looks so yummy wearing only boxers. He finally catches up to me, throws me on the bed and starts a merciless attack.

"Okay okay! You look hot as hell wearing only boxers!"

"That's way better. You do too wearing my shirt by the way. I love having my mark on you."

"You weirdo!" I laugh at him. "Okay, I need coffee. Now."

"Not before greeting me properly," he says and he kisses me. For a second there I get lost in the kiss completely.

"Good morning gorgeous," he says with his sexy British accent.

"Hello to you too," I smile and I get up again. Hero is so much taller than me so his shirt reaches my thighs. Hero follows me to the kitchen. I go sit on the counter and Hero leans up against me while we wait on our coffee. Jack and Lizzie walk in.

"Whoa, what's going on here? No nakedness in the kitchen, kids!" Jack teases. Lizzie walks up to me and hugs me.

"I knew it! I knew it last night when Hero followed you."

"Well.. I guess he's not a total jackass after all," I smile. Hero slaps me on the knee.

"Careful there! The tickle monster could come back!"

"Oh my god, please! You guys are too much for me," Jack pouts. I love this teasing. Life is so beautiful and simple now.

"What are you guys up to today?"

"I have class. But I can skip it," Hero says while smiling at me.

"No way I am skipping class dude. You're going too!"

"So bossy," he whines.

"Get used to it baby!"

"Anyway, we need to go to this movie premiere and panel for Film Producing tonight," I say to Jack and Lizzie.

"I don't want to go," Hero says. "I've been to a lot of those."

"Yeah you have... I'm excited though, I've never been! And I get to dress up and everything."

"Now that's something I want to see," Hero says with a broad grin on his face.

During class, I catch myself daydreaming about Hero. I really look forward to tonight. I am also nervous though. What if he realizes that I don't belong in that world, his world? When class ends I hurry up to my room to get ready. Two of our lecturers are picking us up in an hour. I decide to wear this classy dark blue dress and high heels. I have no idea what to do with my hair so I call Lizzie for help.

"I want to make some curls," she says and pins me down on a chair. "Now, spill! What happened? What changed your mind?"

"He did," I say truthfully. "He was so honest and open and I finally realized he must be serious about this, about me."

"Of course he is! I told you so! What did he say?"

"He said I intrigued him and that he wanted me the second we met." I know I'm blushing now.

"Really?! Oh gosh, that's so romantic," Lizzie sighs. "I love you guys together, you're so cute and he's adorable when he looks at you!"

"Never call him adorable when he can hear it!" I tell her about our night together and the next morning.

"I'm happy for you Char, you really deserve to be happy." Lizzie hugs me. "Now, look in the mirror!"

She really is a saint and a master when it comes to my hair. I've never been a girly girl so I never do anything with it.

"You look so beautiful," she proudly says.

"I guess I am," I smile too.

There's a knock on the door and Lizzie answers it.

"Damn Hero, you clean up nice!" she squeals.

"Thanks," he says with a broad grin on his face. It fades when he looks at me. Oh no, I really wanted him to like it.

"You look so beautiful," he whispers underneath his breath.

"Thank you!" I walk up to him and give him a hug.

"You look perfect! Hero's suit matches your dress, it's so cute!"

"Too bad we need to go. I would love to peel that dress off and take you to bed," he says with a boyish grin.

"Okay, that's my cue to leave!" Lizzie says.

"We need to leave too!" Hero puts his arm around mine.

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