Chapter 74

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I brought a warm, fluffy blanket and I wrap myself in it while Hero takes his spot next to me. He sits up very straight and makes sure he doesn't touch me. He doesn't even look at me but I feel his presence near me. I always do. I'm surprised that no one else can feel the electricity bouncing between us. He didn't bring any blanket or pillow and I know he likes to bury himself under a blanket while watching a film.

"Want to share?" I offer and I show him my fluffy blanket.

"Are you sure?" he asks with his boyish grin, the one I love so much.

"Yeah, it's big enough."

"Thanks." He awkwardly slides under the blanket, still as far away as possible. I glance over at Lizzie and I can tell she's trying to hold back a smile. She looks at me with an innocent smile. I could kill her right now. Instead I take a sip of wine.

Twenty minutes later we are all laughing, even Killian is enjoying the film.

"Oh Domino's is here. Who wants to go downstairs and get the pizza?" Stefan asks. We all bully him into walking downstairs.

"Oh I love this film," Hero laughs and puts his head back, eyes closed.

"Me too!" I reply, the enthusiasm clear in my voice. We talk until Stefan arrives with our pizza. Hero fights with Scott over pepperoni pizza and wins. He walks over to me and offers half of it.

"Are you sure?" I tease him.

"I know how much you love pepperoni!" he says while sitting down next to me again. I take a bite and some tomato sauce spills on my chin. Hero reaches over and wipes it off without thinking twice about what he's doing. I can tell he's shocked by his move too and I reply by taking an extra big bite of pizza. Stefan presses play again and the awkwardness is gone, thanks to James Franco and Seth Rogen.

Ten minutes later I'm laughing so hard that I roll over.

"You okay there?" Hero asks with a smirk.

"I.... can't..." I'm still laughing and it makes Hero laugh too. We both want to crawl up again and bump our heads against each other. We burst out in laughing again.

"Oh my god, they're so loud!" Scott's date complains. It only makes us laugh harder. Finally, we

stop rolling all over the floor and take our spot under the blanket again. This time, we're closer together. It's as if we needed this to take down the barrier between us. His arm touches mine and the familiar tingle rushes through my body. I can feel my heartrate pick up and I long to touch him. I scoot a little closer to him and he gives me a cute smile.

During the second film, American Pie, the wine is doing its job and I can feel my eyelids getting heavy. I have done so much work today and had too much red wine. Closing my eyes for a second won't be too bad.

"Hey sleepyhead, wake up." I whimper because someone pulls away the blanket. "Open your eyes beautiful." I recognize Hero's voice and open my eyes. I realize that my head is on his chest and I jump up.

"Sorry! I was so tired!" I apologize. He starts laughing.

"That's okay, no problem at all." We both feel uncomfortable though and I start picking up the blankets and pillows in silence. The others have left already.

"The others left as soon as the film ended." It's as if Hero can read my mind.

"Oh, okay." I don't know what else to say. Hero walks me to my door and gives me a small kiss on my cheek. His lips feel very soft against my flushed skin.

"Sweet dreams." He leaves me in front of my room, wanting more. 

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