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Judai blinked his eyes open blearily, noting that it was still dark in the room and therefore still nighttime. Something had to have woken him up though, considering he tended to sleep a bit deeper nowadays than he used to before when he was travelling, mainly because he felt pretty damn safe here (Yusei was safety and warmth and everything he needed to actually feel comfortable).

A quick glance up answered his question - Yusei was sitting up with a wince on his face, the expression one that Judai was intimately familiar with.

"Nightmare?" Judai asked quietly, sitting up with a yawn and scooting closer to the other so he could wrap himself around him again.

"Yeah... sorry for waking you up," Yusei mumbled, leaning into his touch the second he hugged him. His breathing was a little ragged and Judai could feel Yusei's heart beating a bit too fast as he started to calm down.

"Don't worry about it, I'd rather be up for you anyways," Judai replied. He knew how awful nightmares could be, so he pulled him a bit closer, prompting the other wordlessly to hug him in a tight bear hug. He adjusted his arms so he could reach up and thread his fingers through his hair soothingly, lightly placing kisses on his neck, "Wanna talk about it?"

"I don't remember what it was about," Yusei sighed, un-tensing quickly thanks to his ministrations.

"Well that's good, at least you won't be stuck thinking about it later," Judai said, getting a small laugh from Yusei like he'd hoped he would.

"That's true," Yusei mused, pulling back for a moment and lightly bringing a hand up to brush his hair out of his face, "Gotta look on the bright side of these things, right?"

Judai hummed in agreement, moving up a little and kissing him briefly before suggesting, "Want some tea? It's like... one in the morning and we're going to need something to get back to sleep at this point. And it's helped me before whenever I couldn't sleep, so..."

"Why not?" Yusei smiled, chuckling quietly when Judai let out another yawn, "Though I think you'd have no problem either way."

Judai rolled his eyes but didn't correct him on one point - he wouldn't be able to sleep until he was sure that Yusei was feeling okay and could go back to sleep himself.

They quietly made their way downstairs, making sure they didn't accidentally wake up the other two in the apartment, before picking out a tea meant for relaxing and taking the paper tags off the bags so they could just dump it in two of the travel mugs and leave it to steep in the hot water. It didn't take very long for the water to heat up, as they weren't aiming for boiling hot water, and they were back in bed soon enough.

"Wasn't there something about not using electronics when you're trying to sleep?" Judai mused, leaning his head on Yusei's arm and watching while the other looked up random videos to watch while they waited for their tea to finish steeping.

"Is there? I'd believe it if there was," Yusei replied, opening another tab and searching up the question quickly, reading over the top few info boxes that popped up in the results.

"Blue light strikes again, it seems," Judai laughed, looking up at him after seeing the answer, "Maybe that's why you were always able to pull all-nighter's before, even when you weren't working specifically with a computer."

"Wearing those glasses with the blue light filter probably fixed that issue, too," Yusei stated, "It's been what, a month, right? Almost two months? That's plenty of time to readjust to it."

"...Should we really be using the laptop right now then? We're trying to go back to sleep."

"...Probably not, but I'd rather just relax and watch videos with you right now than worry about that."

"Sounds like a plan to me. You gonna skip working today?"

Yusei pondered the question for a moment before leaning down and pecking him on the forehead, replying, "Yeah, that sounds nice."

Judai beamed up at him with a happy grin, glad that the other was going to take a break for a day, especially after having bad enough of a nightmare to wake up in a cold sweat. He hoped this was the first time it'd happened while they'd been together, because he'd just feel bad if he'd slept through Yusei waking up and looking as shaken up as he had that night.

Gods knew it was only a matter of time before he had one of those nights as well, after all. Judai was honestly surprised he hadn't had one bad enough to wake up in the middle of night since they'd gotten together, and he couldn't decide if he'd rather have Yusei keep sleeping or get woken up by him on accident when it happened.

Cuddles and kisses would be very much welcomed though, which answered his question easily enough.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now