Hangover Remedy

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An hour later, Yusei could tell Judai had woken up from the mumbled curses that came from next him and he way the covers were immediately pulled over his head.

"Yusei, the lights, please," Judai whimpered, voice muffled by the sheets, "make them go away."

He chuckled a little and complied, doing his best to get rid of as much light in the room as he could - luckily he had blackout curtains from one time he'd been trying out some light-sensitive projects, so it was a simple matter to dig them out of the closet real quick and hang them up. By the time he was done the entire room was pretty much blacked-out, though a sliver of light still peaked through the bottom of the door. If it ended up bothering him, he'd just cover it with a towel and open the window for air, but otherwise he was just leaving it for now.

"The evil lights are gone," Yusei stated with a smile, watching as Judai poked his head out of the sheets when he sat back down on the bed.

"Quieter please," Judai groaned, looking a little dazed as he looked over at him, "Sorry, just-"

"I get it, don't worry," Yusei replied, changing to talk at a very low whisper. He imagined it had to be even more rough on Judai than it would for the average person considering how good his hearing was, so it was the kind of low whisper he'd usually use that was almost not audible to other people but still hear-able by Judai.

Thankfully it seemed to have done the job because Judai let out a little sigh afterwards and scooted closer slowly, burying his head into his side carefully with a hug, "Thanks... now if only my head and the world would stop spinning."

Very softly, Yusei stroked his hair soothingly, eliciting another happy little sigh from the other as he murmured, "I've got painkillers and some food for you, but you're going to need to sit up."

"You absolute angel," Judai replied, taking a deep breath to steel himself before pushing up and leaning on the pillows to sit up, though he wobbled right after and curled up into a ball to hold his head in his hands as he sucked his breath in through his teeth, "Fuck, ow..."

"Here, and drink slowly," Yusei said once he'd let up a little bit after reaching up and stroking his hair some more, holding out the water and painkillers - they were the good painkillers too since they were some of the ones they got from the Aromages. He figured that having duel monster-made painkillers would be better in this case for a duel monster-made alcohol hangover. While he popped the pills in his mouth and drank, Yusei made sure to keep his hands up just in case he dropped the glass, which ended up being a good thing because he very nearly did.


"Don't worry, just finish the glass. You need liquids in you right now," Yusei reassured him, making sure Judai's grip was tighter this time before bringing over the whole tray this time after pushing Judai's legs down out of the ball he'd been in, "Apparently magic hangovers can be remedied the same way as regular ones, at least a little bit, so make sure you eat it all."

"I'll try, but," Judai winced, putting down the now-empty glass to rub at his head again, "I don't know if I can really stomach much right now."

"It's plain toast with a little bit of unsalted butter, you should be okay," Yusei stated, tapping lightly on the plate to draw his attention back to it, "Don't force yourself though, the last thing I want you to do is hurl."

"Ah... got it," Judai replied, shakily removing his hand from his head and grabbing at a piece of toast before dazedly taking a bite after missing his mouth by a little bit the first time, "...Yeah I can do this. Hopefully."

"Hopefully," Yusei repeated with a soft smile, getting a pained one in return after a few seconds - it almost was like he was sleep deprived and everything was lagging behind a second or two for him, but with an added headache and nausea.

I wonder if I could find a hangover remedy for that drink if I studied one with my spirits, Yusei mused, mind automatically thinking about the science of why alcohol caused hangovers in the first place due to dehydration and other such things. It'd certainly be helpful if this ever happened again, and hey, if he figured it out and worked with the Aromages maybe he could start accumulating some spirit world money through having the Aromages sell remedies; with the drink tasting that damn good, he's sure it would be a popular sell in no time once word spread about it.

He was brought out of his thoughts at the sound of Judai humming, noticing that he'd started to look a little more relaxed and that the pained frown was starting to thin out. He'd gotten through the first slice of toast and was currently sipping at his orange juice, looking down at himself and humming again in wonder.

"Y'know, normally painkillers don't actually do much," Judai seemed to marvel, blinking a few times as if in disbelief but happy nonetheless.

"Well, I did give you the ones from the Aromages - magic-infused painkillers for magic-induced pain," Yusei explained, watching in amusement as the words slowly sunk in and Judai's face slowly morphed back into a pained frown, "...You never made that connection, did you."

"I'm a gods damned idiot."

"No, just every time you've needed it you probably weren't in the right mind to make it, that's all."

"You give me too credit, Yus."

"You give yourself too little credit - you know now though and that's all that matters."

At least Judai's mood significantly brightened as the day went on and the hangover was abating rather quickly thanks to drinking lots of liquids and eating lots of carbs; to Yusei's relief he smiled his signature sunny grin by the time night came, even if it was a response to laughing at Jack and Crow waking up and getting to feel his misery as well.

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