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Yusei leaned back in his chair, watching Judai doodle away in one of his sketchbooks without a care in the world with a curious look. He'd expected him to ask... something about his birthday, since it was definitely something he could see him doing, but Judai hadn't said a single word about it yet.

Did he... forget? He thought to himself, a tiny, amused smile forming at the idea, He totally forgot, didn't he?

Well, Yusei couldn't judge - he'd forgotten his birthday multiple times over the years (though sometimes it was because he had no access to a calendar and lost track of the days) and Judai seemed like the type to forget, especially with all the travelling he'd done. He knew just what living day-to-day did to one's sense of time and it was easy to forget thanks to it.

Still, he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to tease him about it. Plus, then he could get Judai thinking about it and have the satisfaction of watching him pout cutely about it the rest of the day when he wouldn't tell him his plans.

"Judai," he called, getting the other's attention after a few more pencil strokes on the paper were made. He rested his head on one hand on the chair arm and couldn't help but grin already.

"That's me," Judai grinned back, setting his stuff down carefully before patting the couch next to him, "You done? 'Cause if you are, then get over here so I can hug you."

Yusei laughed but obliged, getting up and letting Judai pull him down when he got close enough, "Yeah I'm done, I just needed to send out a bunch of emails. It's ridiculous how many people I have to go through to get the removal approved, and I wanted to make sure I didn't need to deal with any of it tomorrow."

"Oh? You takin' another off day tomorrow?" Judai asked curiously, pulling him backwards so they were half-laying down, but comfortably on the cushions.

Yup, Judai'd definitely forgotten about his birthday.

"Of course I'm taking the day off tomorrow," Yusei chuckled, burying his head into his neck with an exasperated sigh and teasing, "Looks like my cute Kuriboh can't remember when his birthday is."

Judai froze, letting out a loud bark of laughter after a few moments and hugging him tighter, "Oh shit, you're right! Jeez, what would I do without you?"

"Be as forgetful as I am sometimes."

"We're both forgetful, we just always seem to remember what the other person forgot."

They shared an amused glance before chuckling again, hands un-snaking from around each other so they could thread them together instead.

"So... what'cha planning?" Judai asked, giving him a foxy grin.

Too bad that wouldn't work on him - Yusei wouldn't be swayed by any look or plead to tell, not with this, and he replied, "Nope."

"Aw, come on Yus, just a little hint?"

"You'll like it - there's your hint, happy?"

Judai pouted at him, which was a very clear 'no', while Yusei smirked back and fully enjoyed witnessing the other's burning curiosity eat away at him. He tried a few more times, calling him nearly every endearing nickname he'd managed to come up with thus far, but nothing was going to get him to budge.

"Just wait until tomorrow, okay? It's already getting to be late afternoon, it'll be time before you know it," Yusei stated, covering his mouth with a kiss before Judai could protest at all. He kept it up until he felt Judai finally give up and relax into him, then pulled back and brushed a few bits of hair out of his face; he rest a hand on his face, pressing another short kiss to his lips before smiling and saying, "Come on, you wanna go for a ride? The sun'll be setting soon, we can go to our usual spot and maybe it'll take your mind off it for a bit."

"...Mm'kay," Judai conceded, giving him a soft smile before it grew wide and foxy once again, "Also, wording dear."

Yusei fully believed that Judai deserved the light flick to his forehead that he got, giving him a very exasperated stare and huffing a little as Judai laughed at his small bit of embarrassment.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now