Autumn Decor

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"Alright, here we go," Judai stated, taking a deep breath in the middle of the living room as he gazed out at all the Halloween decorations that were still everywhere in the apartment, "Time to clean all this up and get the new stuff there instead."

Yusei, being the wonderful boyfriend he was, had oh-so kindly driven him back to the party supply store once again so that they could comb through the isles for more general fall decorations this time instead of Halloween ones. While they did that, there were plenty of Christmas decorations up for sale, but they figured that they should probably stick to just one thing at a time, especially since it meant that they'd just have to go out again and make another day out of it like they'd ended up doing with this one.

What a shame - they'd have to go get lunch beforehand and dessert right after just because that's what they'd done today. Neither of them would complain about something like that, of course, and simply looked forward to the day.

Judai was quick to employ Yusei and put him on 'tall things' duty, where he'd take down the stuff from the walls that Judai was too short to reach. Granted, Judai could've used his shadows to get them down incredibly easily, but the way they were able to work together to decorate and pass the time was half the fun, so he didn't use them except for this one decoration that Jack had placed way up high where neither of them could reach; of course he used it to get that down, he wasn't about to make them have to pull out a ladder or something just to get down a single, highly-placed ornament.

"Why did he have to place it so high?" Judai grumbled as he took it down, dropping the decoration into his hand to look at it before carefully putting it into the bin Yusei had found and provided specifically for storing all their decorations, "I swear, Jack just wanted to pull one over us."

"More like he wanted to annoy you, probably," Yusei chuckled, noting that Jack had clearly succeeded and his efforts hadn't been for naught, "I'm willing to bet he's still holding a grudge against you for that time you turned his monsters against him."

"It's not my fault that the Resonators happen to always be up for pranking their owner in some way," Judai grinned in response, taking the little sparkly pumpkin figure that Yusei handed him and finding a spot for that one in the bin, too, "Plus their teamwork is impeccable, so it makes executing any plans much easier to do."

"Well, wouldn't any duelist's monsters be able to work together well?" Yusei asked, giving him a curious look as he thought about what he'd said, "I mean... they have to work together well in order for the duelists to use them together in combos, right?"

"Yeah, but one thing I've come to discover recently is that tuners are on a whole 'nother level in terms of teamwork capabilities," Judai explained, stopping what he was doing for a moment while he did so, "Tuner monsters seem to just click with all other monsters and spirits, whether or not they're actually related. Since the Resonators are all tuners, they all get along incredibly well and their teamwork is really something special. I've found that quite a few of your monsters that are tuners, like Junk Synchron, do extremely well running around and doing errands for other monsters, which ultimately keeps up material distribution which is very important there at Starlight Junktion, as you probably have realized by now."

"True, I did notice that while I was there," Yusei admitted, taking a break as well and pondering over the new info, "Whenever someone needed to be found or a part was needed, there was a system in place that made it incredibly easy to find what you were looking for. I hadn't put two-and-two together though that Synchron was a major key in the process of it... makes sense, considering how quick he is to help out anyone who he thinks might need it."

"All your duel spirits share so many personality traits with you," Judai smiled, poking him lightly in the chest when Yusei simply blinked at him in confusion, "Don't give me that look, you know what I mean. You've got a heart of gold, Yusei."

"I-I wouldn't necessarily say that-" Yusei tried to reply, feeling a little embarrassed at the praise, but he was cut off by Judai leaning in close and grabbing hands, looking up at him with a smile that told him he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Thanks for proving my point, dear," Judai laughed, leaning up enough to press their lips together briefly before joking, "Does that make you a tuner type? Always so nice and helpful to anyone who needs it..."

Yusei rolled his eyes, yes, but he couldn't stop the little huff of laughter that initially came out upon hearing it which meant that Judai was now smirking happily and looking far too pleased with his handiwork once again. That was easily fixed by pulling him tightly into a hug before lifting him up off the ground and swinging him around, turning that self-satisfied smirk into a flustered smile as Judai held onto him and started begging to be put down when he didn't stop after five seconds.

It'd take a few more hours than it probably should have taken them to finally finish putting all the new autumn decorations up, filling the apartment with fall colors, leaves and arrangements, but it was definitely more fun taking their time with it.

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