Texts Before Dinner

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Gearhead <3: im finally out

Gearhead <3: please tell me theres food at home

Judai grinned down at his phone, snickering at how tired Yusei must be to not be sending everything in one text like he usually does - he was very much the type to write out his full thoughts before sending a message, though it was hit-or-miss on whether or not he used apostrophes... he was pretty sure he didn't use auto-correct, at least. He did have to wonder how in the world he managed to use his very much touch-based phone while wearing leather gloves though, which he hadn't actually noticed before now.

Wait, what the hell? Judai realized, the oddness of that idea slowly starting to sink in, Is he a wizard or something? How the actual fuck does he use these things with not just gloves on, but leather gloves?!

Sure, Yusei had his gloves off half the time if he was being honest, but this was different because now that Judai was thinking about it, he was going through past memories and realized that he'd even watched him do it while they were out and about. He might understand it more if those were super-thin gloves, but they weren't, which he knew from trying them on himself a couple times when he got curious... which was another story in itself because it had really cemented how much bigger Yusei's hands were than his own, but he could dwell on that later.

He'd just have to make a mental note for now to investigate the matter later, too.

HERO: there is, dont worry the hero would never let you starve!

HERO: hurry home so i can feed you

HERO: you sound tired even in texts

Gearhead <3: what

Gearhead <3: you cant hear texts though

And that's how Judai knew that Yusei had to be really tired from taking those exams - two classes nearly back-to-back with four hour time-slots each for their exams, and it was only the first day of the week. He still had four to get through, though luckily two of those days only had one class each. Judai still maintained that Yusei was both nuts and proving his genius by taking eight gods-damned high-level college courses in one semester, which he only got approved by the school to do in the first place because of his status and workplace (which was the government, basically). Well... almost eight high-level courses, to be fair, since a couple of them were actual general education stuff the college absolutely refused to budge on, so he was forced to take them.

HERO: on second thought, hurry home so you dont have to use your brain anymore

HERO: i think its melted

Gearhead <3: okay?

HERO: dear read what i said before

HERO: then read what you said in response

While he waited for Yusei's response, he put down the phone and checked on the noodles in front of him, which seemed to be just about ready to go - he was making spicy stir-fry, which was one of Yusei's favorite dishes (even if the gear-head didn't necessarily realize it himself), though he was making sure to add some extra protein and such to it to make it as energizing as possible. Yusei was going to need every little bit of brain power he could get, it seemed, which he'd luckily predicted the other day when he'd gone out on a grocery run to restock.

One did not simply power through studying for and taking eight exams without burning out at some point, even with someone like Yusei.

He took the noodles off the heat and strained them out, letting them sit for a little while he shook the pan still on the stove that had some oil and a mix of chicken and beef on it, noting that it needed another minute or two since he'd put it on a bit late. At this point his phone ran again though, and he eagerly picked it back up to see if Yusei had been able to understand what he was amused with.

Gearhead <3: well shit

Gearhead <3: you might be onto something about my brain

Judai snorted at that, trying and failing to hold back more laughter at the reaction that was just so out of place on Yusei, yet made perfect sense with the context of everything. He only just barely managed to remember the meat on the stove before it burned because he was too busy reading over those texts and grinning about how utterly adorable his gear-head was.

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