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"I need a break," Judai sighed, realizing he'd done nothing but stare at the notebook in his lap for the past few minutes while his mind went off into the clouds. He tilted his head up from where he was leaning on Yusei on their bed, the other tapping away at his laptop - he'd said it was something about formatting a report? Or was it just homework?

Either way, they'd both spent the last three hours working. Yusei had his ever-present schoolwork to finish while Judai'd been saddled that morning with figuring out a four-course meal for some fancy party that would be Christmas themed in a couple weeks. Now, normally this wouldn't be such a drag to do since he actually found putting this kind of thing together fun (the finished product with everything fitting together was always satisfying to him), but this one in particular was for a rush job. The client had paid Phoenix's company a good chunk of money to make sure the party was hosted in two weeks as opposed to the usual much, much longer advanced notice they required, and Judai had to finish that menu today to make sure everyone else could do their jobs.

It wasn't even just one menu either, since the client had requested a couple to choose between. At least Edo had told him he'd be getting compensated for it, so he was going to do the best he could with the time - still, he seriously needed a break from writing out his various ideas, all of which he had to write recipes out for which wasn't actually the easiest thing to do when one winged their cooking half the time like he did, throwing caution to the wind.

"Yeah, I was just thinkin' about taking one too," Yusei replied, shutting his laptop and putting both it and Judai's supplies off to the side after Judai capitalized on the moment to put his stuff on top of it, "I'm almost done with my work, just need to do the boring part which is typing in all the calculations... how's your stuff coming along?"

"It's comin' I guess," Judai shrugged, letting out a yawn as he stretched lazily and fell to lie across Yusei's lap, "I can't think anymore right now, but I've got roughly... two-thirds of it done? Almost, I guess, I dunno."

"Don't know?" Yusei questioned, leaning over him with an amused smile and brushing the hair out of his face.

Judai stared back up at him tiredly but playfully, stating, "I just spent the last five minutes being totally zoned out, Yus. I literally have no idea where I was at, I honestly forgot."


"Oh hush, I don't wanna hear that from you, Mr. Gear-head."

They both chuckled at that, letting a peaceful silence fall over them for a bit so they could just enjoy the quiet and let their brains recuperate. It helped a lot when Judai suddenly felt a hand land on his head, fingers gently starting to thread through his hair over-and-over again in a relaxing pattern that made him feel like he could fall asleep - he knew he couldn't let himself take a nap though, not unless he wanted to wake up and be even more tired from essentially oversleeping.

"Let's go for a walk," Judai suggested, turning his head slightly more towards Yusei and opening his eyes to look at him, "It's a good day for it, it's sunny outside."

"Won't get as cold despite all the snow around," Yusei hummed, agreeing with the idea, "Alright, sounds good to me. Anywhere in particular you wanted to go?"

"Um... I didn't even think of that, give me a minute," Judai admitted, grinning when Yusei let out a little snort in response, "Quiet, you. I'm thinking here." He thought it over for a little bit, trying to decide if he really wanted to get anything - if he did, it would probably be food or drink of some sort so that he didn't have to cook or make anything. That was the only downside to having to focus so hard on food for work sometimes, not wanting to cook the rest of the day despite usually being glad to the rest of the time.

Right when he was about to open his mouth to say so, though, his stomach answered for him by grumbling just loud enough to be heard by both of them. He looked up at Yusei with a sheepish grin, the other practically on the verge of smirking as he raised his eyebrows at him.

"You wouldn't happen to want food, would you?" Yusei asked teasingly, easily dodging the arm that came up to try and pull him down towards him by leaning backwards a bit.

"I may be a bit hungry, yeah," Judai laughed, sitting up to try and get the upper-hand again so he could tease him back with some eskimo kisses, "Hungry for you! Get back here, you're my next victim!"

"Wait- Judai-!" Yusei stuttered, though he was cut-off before he could say much by Judai jumping on him and peppering his face with an onslaught of kisses. He kept it up for a while longer, relishing the sweet sound of Yusei's laughter as he did so relentlessly.

"Okay, now I'm ready, let's go!" Judai hummed happily, pulling back finally with a wide grin as he looked down at Yusei, who was still in the middle of processing that he'd stopped - he was seriously too adorable for any world, how could he possibly expect Judai to resist him?

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now